Brisbane X CofD News

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OOC: These news stories are published in various news outlets - TV, Radio, Newspaper etc. If your character does not subscribe to any of these things because they're a hermit or so ancient that these things are still very new to them, then disregard these news stories.

Disclaimer: These news stories are entirely fictional and are written for entertainment purposes only. Don't believe everything you read on the internet.

  • Mortal News
  • Cross Genre
  • Awakening Only
  • Forsaken Only
  • Lost Only
  • Requiem Only

2018 News

June 2018

Suspected Legionaire Disease Shuts down Glitter Strip [Mortal News All Genres]
Both Government and Opposition have avoid questions on a suspected outbreak of Legionnaires' disease in the District 2 Gold Coast that has hospitalised dozens and put eighteen people into intensive care. Reports of fevers, delirium, sores and pustules characterize the as yet unconfirmed disease abound as medical centres and hospitals are reaching capacity. Broadbeach Councillor Harry Stanquist held a public forum amid calls for tighter regulation of water-cooling towers, which are thought to be the origin of the illness.At the moment transit in and out of the Gold coast has been restricted untill the source of the disease has been discovered. Airplanes are being diverted to the Brisbane and Sunshine coast airports causing some significant delays. BioSecuritys Qld is conducting an investigation amid rising concerns that the Greater Brisbane City Council is deliberately isolating the Gold Coast during this time.
Additional Information for Requiem Only

Damage from Lightning Strikes[Mortal News All Genres]
Storms lash the coastline with lightning strikes reportedly setting fire to several buildings across the Districts 3-7 and one Lightning Strike in Kelvin Grove that set fire to a business complex. Fire crews and SES reportedly were on the scene rapidly however most of the buildings were well ablaze and the fires could only be contained. Almost miraculously there were no losses of life or missing people reported. The majority of the lightning strikes were on tall buildings that were slated for redevelopment under the Urban renewal Plan 2015-2025.
Additional Information for Awakening Only
Additional Information for Forsaken Only

Parliamentary Announcements

  • Parliamentary Consolidation Decree May 2018 In the face of consistent rising werewolf aggression and mass murder endangering the masquerade. Parliamentary influence is being consolidated to protect the citizens in districts 1-8. All citizens in districts 9 through 13 are requested to relocate or plan to stay and defend their assets.
  • Gold Coast Isolation Decree June 2018 Following the outbreak of unknown infectious disease in District 2 Gold Coast, transport out of the location is suspended to prevent spreading. Full support and relocation of citizens and assets is offered until the end of June.

May 2018

May 2018 [Mortal News All Genres]

On the 1st of May a huge storm blew down the coast of Queensland. People looked up and battened down the hatches, this looked to be another bad storm. The force is strong though for northern Queensland for gale force winds up to 100km/h and then tonight the weather strikes back as a deep area of low pressure pushes in from the west, creating storm-like conditions for Harvey Bay and advancing southwards. In normally sunny Brisbane on the fourth of May those forced to awaken early, were on the dark side as roiling clouds amassed blocking out the small moon and lashing the sunshine and Frazer coast with storming on those trooping to work. There were more than 50,000 reported lightning blasts that didn’t hit anything significant.

The storm continued and had it’s revenge on the fight with a blow to the local infrastructure, when a one in a million lightning strike hit the power reactor at Swan Bank sparking a power surge that destroyed several junction stations leaving the city on the dark side. There were several lightning strikes that resulted in fires in districts 1-9 that were put out by the SES in record time. There are reports of up 19 major fires that occurred in the Greater Brisbane region.

In central District One the lack of power and damage was accelerated with choked debris that hindered clean up. Police have been deployed to assist with clean up and hospitals and emergency wards are reporting a veritable attack of injuries. Local Government Minister Im Sidious said he found the lack of faith disturbing in regard to resorting power quickly. This is cloned to a lesser extent across the borders of District 3 Ipswich and District 5 Redland Bay

Far, far away to the south in the Gold Coast, there's a new hope for some sunshine developing later in the week.

May 2018
View Werewolf Specific Informtion

The storm roils and scours the Hisil, even more terrible than it’s mortal counter part, the sky is black and lightning forks and shatters the shadowed landscape. Flash floods, dust devils, and torrential downpours accompany by multicolored lightning send most spirits hurrying for shelter. Terrible wings scour the land echoing the terrible laughter of Maeljin of a thundercloud of negative concepts and emotions. The resonance is stirred and smashed into shambles.

In the morning the Hisil normally vibrant seems pale and thin, even at noon. Sounds echo and carry much farther than in the material world, and the sky is perpetually roiling with gray clouds that only occasionally part, allowing a glimpse of Luna or Helios hanging in the sky. The atmosphere has the charged feeling of an approaching storm. More disturbingly the upheavals in the Shadow has been so terrible it has injure the very fabric of the Hisil and disrupt its connection to the material world’s resonance, forming a wasteland of nihilistic emptiness between the major city centers. Suddenly lost homeless, despondent listless and withdrawn spirits lurk in the colorless, fragile landscape. Travelers feel their emotions and interests draining away the longer they stay. A massive shoal seems to extend from the edges of the central business district courts out to the outer edges of the last districts.

The locus outside the district centers seem to have twisted and diminished of faded away. Amid the atmosphere is the faint Travel in Hisil is going to be fraught with danger until the balance is restored.

Rebel Alliance

  • L3XX as Seneschal of Distict 2 Gold Coast sentenced the mortal asset Aiden Pierce for the murder of Dr Jack Bird after a trial. Speakers were Benjamin Rivers and Captain Mikhail.
  • The People's Elysium of the Tattered Scroll was the location of the gathering.
  • Several people received letters from an hitherto unknown government department. Research into the department uncovered a front and the information that it was a governmental department that is not accessible via and does not store it's files on the internet.
  • Kisa Novell, shadow of the Firebrands and Cruaor, Haunt of the Firebrands are missing.

Parliamentary Announcements
Parliamentary Consolidation Decree May 01, 2018In the face of consistent rising werewolf aggression and mass murder endangering the masquerade. Parliamentary influence is being consolidated to protect the citizens if districts 1-8. All citizens in districts 9 through 13 are requested to relocate or plan to stay and defend their assets.
Parliamentary Decree May 01, 2018 Governors are empowered to act within the scope of the Parliamentary Decree November 2017 for the defence of the state against threats both internal and external. All registered civilians are required to be processed for interrogation by Taskforce Maximus. All registered assets are required to be seized immediately pending further investigation.
Mandatory Incarnation for Assets Minister for Defence Jonas Lang has moved to enact the Mandatory Incarceration Edict 2011 for any non registered civilians and assets. All governors are to organise a roster for their residing citizens for mandatory screening with the Department of Security.
Mandatory Renewal of Citizenship Oath Following the untimely death of Henry Lannister in March, all citizens are required to renew their citizenship oaths. Governors are required to organise a rosert for the citizens residing within their territory to renew their citizenship oath by the end of June. Failure to renew citizenship will result in the citizenship rights being revoked.
This decree enters into force on the day of its promulgation.
Brisbane, May 01, 2018
Chairman Vernon Sawer Minister for Security Miss Ratti Secretary of Defense Jonas Lang

April 2018

Parliamentary Announcements

  • In the face of consistent rising werewolf aggression and mass murder endangering the masquerade. Parliamentary influence is being consolidated to protect the citizens if districts 1-8. All citizens in districts 9 through 13 are requested to relocate or plan to stay and defend their assets.

March 2018

  • Elder Conference in Brisbane
  • People missing in outer suburbs. Police puzzled.

Parliamentary Announcements

  • Comrade Dominic Oni has been executed for gross endangerment of the Masquerade. Execution broadcast.
  • Comrade Isabelle Murray has been appointed Interim Governor of District 2 Gold Coast.
  • Comrade Sebastian is appointed as Minister of Communication in the stead of the late Henry Lassiter.
  • In the face of consistent rising werewolf aggression and mass murder endangering the masquerade. Parliamentary influence is being consolidated to protect the citizens if districts 1-8. All citizens in districts 9 through 13 are requested to relocate or plan to stay and hold their assets.

February 2018

  • Drug Task Squad on his alert for new designer drug.
  • People missing in outer suburbs. Police puzzled.

Parliamentary Announcements

  • Known Terrorist Benjamin Rivers evades SERT team and sets fire to building.
  • The known werewolf terrorist Benjamin Rivers is wanted for crimes against the state. Information leading to his arrest or capture will be rewarded and the individual Recognized.

January 2018

2017 News

December 2017

Parliamentary Announcements Within the Sovereign Secular Socialist Peoples Republic of Brisbane, by the will of the duly elected representatives of the peoples, the approval of Chairman Sawyer and announced by Comrade Lannister, Minister of Communication:

  • Comrade Yr Ysolg for his extensive ongoing commitment to the Republic is now Recognised Comrade
  • The Tattered Scroll is now recognized as The People’s Elysium.
  • Comrade Sebastian Richmond, lowered from Valued Comrade to Recognized Comrade for not enforcing Parliament Law for 3 months.
  • Comrade Isabelle Murray has been duly elected Governor of District 13.
  • Comrade Dominic Oni has been duly elected Governor of District 14.

November 2017

Water Woes The fishing ship Orca’s Fury has sunk in Moreton Bay. Police Divers have investigated the wreck and found that all hands have been lost. Police are asking civilians to report any suspicious behaviour in the area.

Redland Health Warning An outbreak of unknown origin has been spreading throughout the Redlands District. Authorities advise residents that the first symptoms resemble heat stroke and bruising. If you experience these symptoms for longer than a day it is advised that you check in with your local hospital.

Highway Tragedy Paul Daly, the renowned truck driver who brings joy to the unfortunate of the Sunshine District, has been involved in a terrible traffic incident. His beloved rig ‘Blue Sleigh’ has been wrecked beyond saving. Paul is in hospital with a spinal cord injury and will never walk, nor drive, again.

Business is Booming The Summit has been seeing a large increase in popularity. This has been attributed to their special kangaroo burger, support of equality and their current commonwealth games promotion.

Flash Fire An apartment in the Redlands District has caught fire after the owner burnt their toast. There are no reports of injuries beyond smoke inhalation.

Farm Ablaze The historic Gareth farm in the Lockyer Valley district has burnt down. Police have identified the remains of Barry, his wife and the 12 children among the wreckage.

The Austentatious Bar opened in Noose with a classy and distinguished celebration complete with adoring press, local celebrities and famous retired sports stars, legal high fliers. Featuring a life size Ice sculpture of Jane Austin specially flown in from Stockholm by the award winning ice sculptor Ai Weiwei no expense has been spared for the grand opening. The club sets a tone for world class luxury with lashing of extravaganza the bar sets a new standard for world class brief sanctum for the crème de la crème.

Parliament News – Elections All positions within the parliament are now open for nominations with voting happening on the 2nd of December. Henry Lassiter, as the Minister of Communication, will be acting as returning officer. Please make your way to either the People’s Elysium or Representative’s Elysium to both nominate for a position or vote. Requirements for nominations depend upon the desired position: Governor’s require a status of Valued within the Parliament and Ministers require a status of Respected.

The Chronicle Issue 1 Volume 3 2017

  • What's making news in March 2017
