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<Div style="font-size: 32pt">'''The Chosen'''</div>
<Div style="font-size: 32pt">'''The Chosen'''</div>
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The need for knowing is strong, it doesn't vanish upon death. Many of the Restless Dead crave the surety of faith and there are some who provide it. The cold, impersonal bureaucracy of the Hierarchy is not for those whose spirits burn with the knowledge that they are destined for greater things. The path to Transcendence is theirs if only they have the strength to walk it. With the Hierarchy abandoning their sacred task after the Matter of the Far Shores, it falls to the faithful to guide wraiths towards their eternal reward.
The need for knowing is strong, it doesn't vanish upon death. Many of the Restless Dead crave the surety of faith and there are some who provide it. The cold, impersonal bureaucracy of the Hierarchy is not for those whose spirits burn with the knowledge that they are destined for greater things. The path to Transcendence is theirs if only they have the strength to walk it. With the Hierarchy abandoning their sacred task after the Matter of the Far Shores, it falls to the faithful to guide wraiths towards their eternal reward.

Latest revision as of 04:18, 18 March 2013

Cross of jerusalem.png
The Chosen

The need for knowing is strong, it doesn't vanish upon death. Many of the Restless Dead crave the surety of faith and there are some who provide it. The cold, impersonal bureaucracy of the Hierarchy is not for those whose spirits burn with the knowledge that they are destined for greater things. The path to Transcendence is theirs if only they have the strength to walk it. With the Hierarchy abandoning their sacred task after the Matter of the Far Shores, it falls to the faithful to guide wraiths towards their eternal reward.

On being labeled a Heretic- the Faithful know they have been gifted with a higher experience, a path towards Transcendence that few other wraiths can understand. They consider the "others" Heretics and themselves the Enlightened. In a real sense they see themselves as the inheritors of the legacy of the Shining Ones calling themselves The Chosen.

Transcendence and the Far Shores

Dismissed as foul slander, the reports that the Ferrymen and prominent wraiths who departed for the Far Shores have fallen into evil practices are denied by most of the Chosen. Instead, they point to the Hierarchy's abandonment of the sacred duty imparted to them by the Lady of Fate - to guide all wraiths towards Transcendence. The Chosen charge the Hierarchy with crass materialism, oppression of Thralls and abuse of their position. Rather than being the bulwark against Oblivion the Stygian Empire portrays itself as, the Chosen charge the Dark Kingdom of Iron with the treason of aiding and abetting Oblivion by denying Transcendence, the right of every wraith. The Chosen contend that only the pure, unfettered illumination of Transcendence can create a lasting force to oppose the utter destruction of the Underworld at the hands of the Malfeans and Oblivion.

The Faiths

The Fishers

Adherents of the Abrahamic faiths common amongst the Quick, the Fishers believe the Underworld is a purgatory, where they can suffer to atone for their living sins before moving on to the paradise located on the Far Shores. Distrustful of the Ferrymen, the Fishers believe they alone know the secrets of Transcendence and have no truck with ecumenical initiatives.
Led by the Archbishop of Stygia, the Fishers have not had an officially sanctioned presence on the Isle of Sorrows since the Revolt. it is said the Fishers refused to pay Charon the agreed tithe for their presence in Stygia, hoarding their grave goods and relics for personal gain. When the Equitaes were sent to bring the Archbishop and his attendants before Charon, the Knights reported the grand cathedral was empty and the fleet of boats and ships had departed from the harbour. The Fishers had departed Stygia for realms undisclosed.

The Host

Those of this faith believe they have died and become Angels; their presence in the Shadowlands is to give them the chance to participate in the Great Work - the guidance of the living. When one of the Host has worked diligently and proved themselves worthy, they will be drawn up into Heaven.

Children of the Green

The majority of this belief are neo-pagans; ascribing the imagery of the Great Wheel of Life, propose that they are on a smaller wheel. Having narrowed their journey from the expanse of life to the final circuit in the Shadowlands, once they complete their existence in the Underworld they will attain Transcendence.
The Children also believe that ones conduct in the Underworld is of critical importance; their passage upon the second wheel could put the greater Wheel out of balance and thus threaten all life. This tenet means the Children vigorously enforce the Dictum Mortuum, preventing any contact between the Living and the Restless Dead. They oppose the soul-slavery of the Hierarchy, often leading to violent clashes with Artificers and Legionnaires.

Riders of the Wheel

This belief was once a part of the faith of Fortune's Wheel; however over time they have morphed into devotees of blind chance. They believe that the only morality, the only true equality is random occurrence. The Riders hold ceremonies in gambling establishments; seeking to draw insight from the gamblers, both Quick and Dead, who risk all that they own at games of chance.

Social Standing

Prestige amongst the Chosen is precarious; it is gained by inducting or attracting larger numbers of followers and it is lost by censure for public breach of tenets. This last part is vital for, without witnesses save ones Shadow, a Heretic can break their vows with little consequence as far as status is concerned.

Ranks in the New Shining Ones (Heretics)
Status Title
1 Novitiate
2 Provost
3 Illuminatus
4 Philosopher
5 Magister
6 Presbuteros