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| colspan="3" style="background:#BDB76B; color:#FFE4B5;text-align:center;font-size:12pt" | Players
| colspan="3" style="background:#BDB76B; color:#FFE4B5;text-align:center;font-size:12pt" | Players
| style="font-size:24pt" | '''Bishop:'''  || style="font-size:9pt" | charlette
| style="font-size:24pt" | '''Bishop:'''  || style="font-size:9pt" | Charlotte
| style="font-size:24pt" | '''`''' || text-align:center;style="font-size:12pt" | [[V-v]]
| style="font-size:24pt" | '''`''' || text-align:center;style="font-size:12pt" | [[V-V]]
| style="font-size:24pt" | '''`''' || text-align:center;style="font-size:12pt" | jules
| style="font-size:24pt" | '''`''' || text-align:center;style="font-size:12pt" | Jules
| colspan="2" style="background:#BDB76B; color:#FFE4B5; text-align:center;font-size:12pt" | Haven
| colspan="2" style="background:#BDB76B; color:#FFE4B5; text-align:center;font-size:12pt" | Haven

Revision as of 16:40, 20 March 2016

The City of Perth

The Perth Court

The Court of Perth has been a contended Praxis for decades. Previously ruled by Prince Marius of the Ordo Dracul in the 1900's until the rise and fall of the Brotherhood at the hands of Prince Joey Johnson and the Praxis of the South in 2015, Perth is now held by High Priestess Maeve of the Circle of the Crone. During the Brotherhood's leadership, the current Court members had two ways to survive, bend the knee to tyranny or become a nomad outside of their grasp.

The Perth Court under High Priestess Maeve is largely comprised of Circle and Invictus. There are few Carthians present and even fewer Ordo and Lance members among the Kindred, and City status is a relatively loose concept and not particularly used. The covenants and clans are in a state of truce under Maeve to better the City and State, which has had long-term issues with spiritual activity and politically motivated nemeses.

Court Positions

Prince: Maeve

Seneschal: Alexsander

Herald: Elder Dame Knight Deloit

Sheriff: Ziggy

Praxis Harpy: Unfilled

Priscis Harpy: Unfilled

Master of Elysium: Alexsander

Hound: Unknown

Unofficial Positions

Daeva Priscus: Elder Dame Knight Deloit

Gangrel Priscus: Ivanya

Mekhet Priscus: Cythrawl

Nosferatu Priscus: Unfilled due to lack of Nosferatu within the Court

Ventrue Priscus: Nicole Mercier

The People's Harpy: Unfilled

Political Status

perth status

Ascendant Covenant:

Contender Covenant:

Eminent Clan:

Rival Clan:

Perth Covenants

Carthian Movement

Carthian Movement
Carthian Movement
Prefect: Joey Johnson
Myrmidon Cythrawl
'' Shroud
'' Jason Loader
'' JW
'' Ivanya
'' DJ Epiphany
Albany Haven
Perth Haven

Circle Of The Crone

Circle Of The Crone
Circle Of The Crone
Hierophant: Maeve
"" Ziggy
"" Virgil
"" Lord Child
"" Alexsander
"" Nicole Mercier
"" Joseph Guilliarno
Margaret River Haven
Joondalup Haven


Judex: Elder Lord White
au Pair Elder Lord Algol
Speaker Elder Lord White
Knight Elder Dame Knight Deloit
Speaker Mister Faraday
Groom Elder Lord Deloit
` Lord Child
` Bruno
` Eli
Perth Midland Haven
Port HeadLand Haven
Kalgoorlie Haven
Perth Subiaco Haven
Perth Main Plaza Haven
Karatha Haven

Lancea Sanctum

Lancea Sanctum
Lancea Sanctum
Bishop: Charlotte
` V-V
` Jules
` Haven
` Haven

Ordo Dracul

Ordo Dracul
Ordo Dracul
Kogaion: Lorelei
` The Salamander
` Conner McIntire
` Gloria
` Ephraim "Ethan" Morris
` Dave
` Jack Frost
` Bahyek
` Conner McIntire
` Sal
` Haven
` Haven

Western Australia's Environment

The aftermath.jpg

Harsh and unforgiving, the dust and red sands of the deserts and natural bounties along the winding and picturesque coasts provide the perfect contrast. In the deserts and northern regions there are many mining companies seeking opals, diamonds, oil and metals. Along the coastline are conditions favourable to winegrowers and cultivators of European crops, whereas in the centre of Western Australia you will find the cattle herders, farmers and wheatbelt, a dry and rural zone with a heavy emphasis on food production and security.

Western Australia Locations

Port Hedland A strange location held by the Invictus Lord Algol and Lord White who was present from its very conceptualisation. Known for its mining and aquatic-supported industries such as fishing and pearling.

Kalgoorlie Homeground to the Invictus and managed by the Alder Lord Regent Jaques Deloit. Kalgoorlie is one of the original goldrush locations and is known for its wealthy mining-boon based inhabitants (and their spending habits). Rich in metals and social pleasures, it is a fortress of wealth for the Invictus who guard it with a golden fist.

Margaret River Operated by the Circle of the Crone and ran by High Priestess Maeve and the Seneschal Alexsander. Known for its wines and gourmet food culture, a lot of resources have been put forward to promote tourism in the region, including weekend music festivals, food festivals and outdoor rock climbing and surfing competitions.

Albany This city is the largest outside of Perth and is the stomping grounds of ex-Prince Joey Johnson. The city is heavily invested into tourism with an emphasis on sporting events, but also has a diverse portfolio including boutique wineries, natural features such as the Valley of the Giants and one of the first large-scale wind farms produced in Australia.

The Wheatbelt Townships In the heart of WA you will find the sprawling various grain fields and cattle ranches, red dust and cloudless skies. There are many townships dotted around the centre of WA with the potential to support one or two kindred in each. Most of these are unofficially watched over by Shroud, particularly the township of Merredin.

Perth Elysium:

Perth Rack:

Perth History


Rumours and Whispers

Court Rumours Clan Rumours Covenant Rumours Scandals