Category:Archived-Lancea Sanctum

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The Lancea Sanctum

The Lancea Sanctum

The Lancea Sanctum (pronounced LAN-kay-uh SANK-toom) (a.k.a the "Sanctified") is the Vampiric equivalent to Catholicism [1]. They believe in redemption and forgiveness through Longinus, whom they believe to be the first Vampire, being considered a vampiric Christ or Saviour. They believe that the Vampiric gift is to be used for the good of man, by only feeding on or killing sinners and scaring the "Kine" in the right direction. Proselyting and Conversion are essential to them, for the Salvation of all Vampires. This Covenant generally dislikes and argues with the Circle of the Crone.

The undead Church offers its predatory flock access to Theban Sorcery; Blood Magic rituals that can produce thematically biblical miracles and curses. With the right lessons a kindred of this covenant can darken the sun, make it rain blood, and even allow Kindred to breed with humans (or even become pregnant themselves).


Character Clan Bloodline Creed Faction Domain Status Position
Archived-Lupo Archived-Daeva - Monachal Canberra 3
Archived-Adam Shard Archived-Gangrel ? Westminster Melbourne 2 Paladin
Archived-Kyrkogym Oak Archived-Gangrel Archived-Bruja Archived-Satan's Spawn Canberra 1 Crusader
Archived-Flay Archived-Nosferatu ? Archived-Satan's Spawn Canberra 1 None
Archived-Grail Archived-Ventrue Archived-Bron Archived-Satan's Spawn Canberra 1 ?
Archived-Alim Al Rashid Archived-Mekhet None Iblic Armidale 1 None
Archived-Wilhelm Godfrey von Konigsberg Archived-Ventrue Archived-Bron Monachal Toowoomba 2 None
Archived-Timothy Harland Archived-Ventrue Archived-Bron Westminster Sydney 2 Inquisitor
Archived-Timothy Ward Archived-Ventrue None Westminster Archived-Adelaide 2 Presbyter of Adelaide
Archived-Pietro Navishenko Archived-Daeva None Monachal Brisbane 2 None
Archived-Asha Dominae Archived-Daeva None Monachal Brisbane 1 None
Archived-Ulrich Archived-Nosferatu None Monachal Brisbane 3 Bishop of Brisbane
Archived-Aeron Sebrus Archived-Ventrue None Monachal Toowoomba 3 Archbishop & Bishop of Toowoomba
Archived-Karlin Archived-Mekhet None Iblic Armidale 1 Bishop of Armidale
Archived-Samuel Hunt Archived-Daeva Archived-Children of Judas Westminster Sydney 2 Inquisitor
Aisha Khalid al-Zaidi bint Henry Lawford Archived-Mekhet Archived-Agonistes Iblic Melbourne 2 None
Archived-Elizabeth Saint-Matthew Archived-Mekhet None Monachal Adelaide 2 Bishop of Adelaide
Archived-Saul Rodrigues Archived-Daeva Archived-Toreador Monachal Adelaide 1 Father, Inquisitor
Archived-Anne Lacey Archived-Nosferatu None Westminster Adelaide 1 Mother
Archived-Edward Z Archived-Gangrel None ? Adelaide 1 None
Archived-Sarah Lake Archived-Gangrel None ? Adelaide 1 None
Archived-Martin Cruz Archived-Daeva Archived-Toreador Monachal Roxby Downs 1 Bishop of Roxby Downs
Archived-Alec Stryder Archived-Mekhet None ? Roxby Downs 1 None

Deceased, Departed or Missing

The following members have deceased, departed, missing or otherwise not in play.

Character Clan Bloodline Group Domain Reason
Archived-Luciano de Lombardo Archived-Daeva - Monachal Armidale Unknown
Archived-MacBeth Archived-Daeva None Westminster Armidale Executed by Prince Archived-Esteban Cortes
Archived-Calvin Harper Archived-Nosferatu Archived-Lygos Archived-Satan's Spawn Canberra Torpored by Archived-Doubting Thomas
Archived-Doubting Thomas Archived-Nosferatu Archived-Caporetti Archived-Satan's Spawn Canberra Killed by Archived-Zarkov Justinius
Archived-Wolfric Abendroth Archived-Mekhet None Monarchal Armidale Torpored for his role in Era's Final Death
Archived-Emmanuel De La Seirra Archived-Nosferatu None Monarchal Armidale Was "removed" by Archived-Esteban Cortes
Archived-Kendrick Tyger Archived-Ventrue Archived-Bron - Adelaide ?
Archived-Timothy Ward Archived-Ventrue ? - Adelaide Voluntary Torpor for 50 years
Character Clan Bloodline Group Domain Reason not in play

Lancea Sanctum Covenant Positions

  • Abbot - Watches over the Monastery
  • Abecedarian - New sanctified member under the direct guidance of the Bishop
  • Archbishop - Either a Prince, or a "Bishop" whom 3 other Bishops look to for guidance
  • Archivist - Librarian of the Lancea Sanctum
  • Bishop - The wisest or most superior Predator within the Lancea of any given domain
  • Cardinal - The wisest or most superior Predator in any given domain reigning both over the political and spiritual. It is both Bishop and Archbishop combined.
  • Confessor - Hears the Sins of his Brothers and assigns penance
  • Counselor - Counsels the Prince or Bishop
  • Crusader - Warrior dedicated to protecting the Lancea Sanctum or fulfilling declarations of Crusade
  • Cultivator - "Unofficial" position responsible for embracing new members
  • Deacon - Either a Lay member charged with a specific duty, or a Lancea Sanctum Primogen
  • Dialectic - Learned scholars of the sanctified focusing on theological, philosophical, and moral problems that the Sanctified have faced
  • Ecclesiastic - Learned scholars of the sanctified focusing on Theban and religious research
  • Grandmaster - A sanctified member at the head of an order with the Lancea Sanctum
  • Inquisitor - Charged with routing out Heresy and corruption within the Lancea Sanctum
  • Keepers - A Brother Superior type of role, responsible for watching over younger members
  • Lay Priest - A preaching member of the Faith, but not yet of the Church
  • Legate/Apostle - Messenger for a Bishop, Archbishop or Cardinal
  • Missionary/Mendicant - A travelling member of the sanctified
  • Ostiary - Keeper of herds, the Ostiary watches for uninvited Damned into the city
  • Paladin - Warrior dedicated to protecting the Bishop
  • Priest - A member of the Lancea Sanctum Church
  • Proselyte - Orator of the Lancea Sanctum
  • Saint - Honorific for Elders or Ancients who are living examples of the Testament

Lineages, Houses, Coteries and Groups

The following lineages, houses, coteries and other groups exist within the Lancea Sanctum.

The Inquisition

In development

The Congregation for the Purity of Doctrine exists to further the training and skill sets of those that would perform the duties of Inquisitor, as well as archive all exploits of its ordained members. Inquisitors that are ordinaries of the Congregation are experienced, trained and support in their duties to root out Heresy, where ever it may lie.

Archived-Order of the Black Cross

Black corss.jpg

A militant order of Knightly Hospitallers that consist of warriors from both the 1st and 2nd Estates. These archaic soldiers are well past their glory days and spend more time telling old war stories than striving to fulfil their oaths.

Group Name

Information about the group, possibly list of characters and link to their page.


The following are the major national locations for the Lancea Sanctum.

Chronicle History



  • June -
  • July -
  • August -
  • September -
  • October -
  • November -
  • December -



The following resources may assist the creation and playing of your character.


Archived-Corey's Guide to Theban
Archived-Canberra Parish


