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Beware what you see here, you may not like it

Personal Information

Seeming: Darkling
Kith: Archived-Mirrorskin
Court: Winter Court •••
City: Brisbane
Title: Silent Knight
Entitlement: None
Group: House of Janus
Player: Corwin Wright
Storyteller: Brisbane VST


Mask: Erebus appears as a dull young man in his mid to late 20s with hair that is starting to turn white. Nothing about him stands out and people rarely remember details about his appearance.

Mien: His flesh is made of a thick, damp, gray clay-like substance which has also completely covered his mouth (people still don't know how he eats). His hair is pure white and feels cold and wet to the touch and his eyes are sickly yellow and bloodshot. Frequently small fluctuations occur in his appearance as if something is moving under his skin.

Mantle: Winter manifests its way as an eerie stillness and calm with a cold starkness, even light seems dull in his presence with even the brightest light dimming to a faint glow when his sorrow is at it's highest.



Mortal World

Nobody is quite sure what his connections to the mortal world are or if he even has a mortal identity. Whenever he's not working with Freehold or on Changeling business he just seems to drop off the map without a word.



For all my effort, I can't escape my past
  • 1982: Born
  • 1998: Taken to Arcadia
  • 2004: Escapes Arcadia
  • 2005: Joins the Utmost Silence
  • 2006: Stationed in Brisbane

Mortal Life



Erebus was forced to work in the eternal and ever changing labyrinth of Lord Tartarus, his keeper. Endless corridors of polished obsidian that twisted and turned, hiding all manner of traps and insidious monsters to prevent those taken from escaping while Lord Tartarus watched over the chaos, like watching rats in a maze. Erebus however was not taken to run in the maze, he was taken to prevent people from escaping; he was stationed near the one and only exit from the Labyrinth and forced to take on the appearance of a loved on of those who were nearing their escape and leading them the wrong way, deeper and deeper into the maze.


After seeing so many die in the deadliest of traps near the exit he learned how to escape but he could not do it on his own. Instead of luring people into traps he collected those who made it near the exit and begged them to wait until he had enough of them to help him escape. With Five other changelings to help him he lead them closer to the exit, using them to set off the traps in his way. When only he and one other remained he saw the door clear and day and made his escape with the door closing as he ran through. He had a choice of holding the door open and possibly killing himself in the process to allow his companion to escape or continue running, saving himself but dooming the other. Erebus chose to keep running...


Love them or hate them, their fate is now my own


Mother Lupa


Sebastian Lund


Leon Manderley

"He is my King and I will serve him..."


Zhenya Poslavska


Black Rook

"I don't disrespect him because he is Autumn or because of his loyalty to the Tyrant. I disrespect him because he is nowhere near as smart as he thinks he is."


"I don't like what he does but at least I can understand why it must be done. Still, one has to wonder just how long his clarity will hold when he commits such atrocities on our 'children'."

Hayley Le Quin


Jax Quinn

"I feel sorry him, it's sad really. He puts up the facade of anger and power but we all know that Autumn is the court of has to wonder just what he is affraid of that he can't even admit it to himself."

The Others


"I don't have to like that he left but I can at least understand why. Still, he's impartial now and that makes him the best nemesis we could possibly have"


"She's one of our many new 'children' but in a way she is already a mother to them. There's guilt guiding her hand but I'm not one to judge, we've all done horrible things in Arcadia that steer our actions even today. I just hope that unlike so many of us that she will be able to accept what she's done and not let it haunt her forever."

Jonathon Cross

"A scared child in many ways but with the potential to be a great man burried deep within. Given the guidance of our house I believe he will be one of the most influential members of the Freehold. If I am honest, I could see him becoming my squire in the days to come."

Neko Nyan

"She is young and the true realization of the horrors, both from within and without, have yet to sink it. Give her time and the facade will falter. Hopefully it will be an easy transition and not a painful fall when it does finally happen."


Jack Rover

"Worthless piece of shit. No more words needed. I'm going to torture him for years to come when I get my hands on him"

Chris Wavefall



"They say he used to be part of my order. If that is true and he really did betray us...then a fate worse than the durance awaits him"


Words alone can topple kingdoms

Quotes By


Quotes About

"This darkling almost understands the game. Almost. He has yet to learn the lesson of not looking at someone's finger when they point at the moon. I'll let him figure that proverb out for himself, however. It won't sink in if I just tell him."
Black Rook
"He's been in the city for what would be seven years now and I barely know him; this upsets me because I can't trust someone I don't know."
Fallacy Yankelovich


"So, if you could pick one, who would it be?"
"Chris Wavefall."
"Not Jack?"
"No. When I find Jack, I'm not going to kill him. When I find Jack I will proceed to remove each of his limbs to ensure he will not escape. Then I will ensure that Jack lives a long, painful life for the rest of his days."
"... I like you."
Zhenya Poslavska and Erebus, in a private moment.


We've all had songs sung in our time
  • He frequently vanishes for days to months at a time, just where the hell does he go?
  • The Tolltaker Knights claim to have killed him in 2006
  • He has no mouth, how does he eat!?

Inspirations and Soundtrack

We're nothing but those we've met
  • ?

OOC Information

Member Information
Player: Corwin Wright
Number: 20110090011
Domain: Brisbane