Ghost Lore

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Wraith: | Main Page | VSS | Characters | Hierarchy | Heretics | Renegades | Ferrymen | Lores | Brisbane Necropolis

For a character to obtain Ghost Lore x1, they must no longer be subject to the effects of the Fog. While under the effects of the Fog, mortals and supernaturals will rationalise ghostly activity as natural, or in the case of supernaturals the use of common powers.

Ghost Lore x1

  • Ghosts haunt a house because they want to be reunited with those they loved in life
  • These haunting are often accompanied by poltergeist phenomena
  • Some say restless ghosts are at war among themselves, for various reasons
  • Ghosts cannot enter or cross holy ground
  • Ghosts are souls of those who were improperly buried
  • Ghosts are more powerful at night and early morning
  • You have seen evidence of ghosts, even if you cannot convince others
  • They are everywhere!! Watching and waiting

Ghost Lore x2

  • Rapping is one of the earliest means of spirit communication. Rapping includes thumping, knocking, tapping or bumping.
  • Reports of poltergeist disturbances cite loud noises, lights, smells, physical and sexual assault, and telephones ringing. Poltergeist activity stops as suddenly as it starts.
  • It may last anywhere from a few hours to a few years. Activity usually takes place when a particular individual is present.
  • All ghosts will possess any power they have ever seen exhibited.
  • Sometimes they are accompanied by smells or give sensations of chills. Most apparitions seem to have a purpose such as communicating a message.
  • Ghosts often wish to communicate with the living
  • Ghosts can be put to rest if you help them complete their unfinished desires from life

Ghost Lore x3

  • You cannot hear a ghost that does not wish to be heard
  • Invisible Friends are ghosts that play with children that only the child can see. Some people believe these ghosts are only a figment of the Child's imagination
  • Ghosts gain power by feeding on the life force of the living
  • Some powerful Ghosts can cross over from death and exist in the living world for a short time
  • Some locations are more attractive to ghosts; such as cemeteries, battlefields, hospitals for the mentally ill, mass graves.
  • You have most likely experienced a ghost
  • You know about the Fog and how it prevents most mortals from believing in ghosts

Ghost Lore x4

  • Ghosts can feed off the energy of any creature in the living world
  • Ghosts can appear and disappear very suddenly. They can move through walls, cast shadows and their reflection can be seen in a mirror.
  • Ghosts may appear real or sometimes may appear fuzzy or transparent.
  • Ghosts can possess people, animals, and machines, ghosts can bring valuable information to the living
  • Objects that had emotional importance to a ghost can be used to contact the spirit of the deceased
  • Some ghosts are malevolent, the experiences of their death having tarnished their soul
  • Ghosts are not something that should be taken lightly, if ignored to long they can find a way to be heard, or felt.
  • Frequently the most subtle of the Undead, ghosts masquerade as the living, often unaware of the true nature of their own existence.
  • Only holy weapons can release a ghost from its ties to the earth
  • You know the introductory description from WtO for each of the common 13 Arcanoi

Ghost Lore x5

  • You know that ghosts are also called Wraiths
  • You can name the common 13 nicknames for wraiths based upon their powers (Arcanos)
  • You have heard of the uncommon three Arcanoi, able to describe them as per the introduction to the Arcanos in WtO
  • You know the difference between a benign ghost and a malign ghost, which is called a spectre.
  • You know of a malevolent force the wraiths refer to as Oblivion, a description of an implacable force of entropy
  • Ghosts normally have a personal connection between a thing and to the person they haunt.
  • The lesser ghosts reveal their deceit by a slight haziness that blurs their image, while the greater bestow no visual clues.
  • Ghosts drain emotional energy from the living through mere proximity.
  • Ghost's have a focus such as a person, a weapon, a treasure or a place. Control of the focus grants a measure of control over the ghost
  • Ghosts must exert themselves to affect the living world
  • You know there are cities of the Restless Dead that mirror the cities of the living
  • You know the legends of Stygia, Charon the Ferryman and the Rivers Styx and Lethe have some potency in the lands of the dead.

Wraith: | Main Page | VSS | Characters | Hierarchy | Heretics | Renegades | Ferrymen | Lores | Brisbane Necropolis