Brisbane Lost

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The Freehold

Character Creation Guideline

(NOTE: This section will be removed once the game commences, this points will be required for characters)

  1. You were a human, exceptional in some way. Eventually through trickery, or force you were taken by Loyalists to The Others. (How did this happen?)
  2. In The Realm of the Gentry reality overcame your ability to comprehend it and you would have lost yourself to The Beautiful Madness if you weren't able to hold onto *something* from the real world. (What do you remember? What kept you sane and brought you back?)
  3. You were able to escape, the details are lost to you but you remember the tear of your soul on the thorns, the overwhelming desire to return to your special *something*. (How did you escape?)
  4. You were found by creatures like you, like your master. They carried you away, locked you up, interrogated you, bound you in pledges and eventually let you go. (How did this affect you?)
  5. You found your way into a Motley for safety and to stop the suspicious stares. Bound into another Pledge in the process and more duties. (Which Motley did you join? Why?)
  6. Finally you find the autonomy to search for your special *something* and now you have something you need to keep secret and safe, even from your Motley. For the other Lost would use it to control you if they could. Everyone has a weakness. (What is your Secret and Weakness?)
  7. And as time progressed you made a name for yourself, stories spread. (What rumours circulate about you?)

Court Positions

The Regent TBA

The Pledgesmith: Sebastian Lund
Adjudicator: TBA
Nemesis: (Cameron Meiklejohn)

The Seasonal Monarchs:
The true rulers of the Freehold, the most powerful and respected members of their respective Great Court. Despite voluntarily granting regency to rule these Lost advise the Regent and may revoke his/her powers with a unanimous decision.

Zhenya of the Iron Spear, The Crimson Queen of the Court of Wrath.
Black Rook of the Leaden Mirror, The Ashen King of the Court of Fear.
Leon Manderley of the Silent Arrow, The Onyx King of the Court of Sorrow.
Mother Lupa of the Antler Crown, The Emerald Queen of the Court of Desire.(Skye Christie)

Members of the Court

CTLCourtAutumn.png CTLCourtSpring.png CTLCourtSummer.png CTLCourtWinter.png
Character Court Seeming Allegiance Est. Position Freehold Standing Player
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Beast logo.png Darkling logo.png Fairest logo.png LogoElemental.png Ogres logo.png Wizened logo.png

Freehold Pledges

(Work in Progress)

I swear, by this Bloodthisty Artifact of the first Queen of Summer, in the presence of The Nemesis, before the graves of all the Lost who have fallen before me, that I shall be faithful to my Liege, to cause him no harm unjustly and to give of my skills to the best of my ability for the good of the freehold. I shall render up to him the proper homage of duties in its proper time, and may I be brought to Justice should I be forsworn.

Well Known Locals

The Librarian - A creature of unfathomable knowledge, possibly a changeling.
Preston Wildthorne - Spring Court recluse
Garm - Far Strider Ogre, nominally one of the Rangers
Clifford - Spring Court Wizened


The Stories of Brisbane

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Known Information