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=== Status ===
=== Status ===
Is currently Recognised in the court (OOC Clarification on whether ghouls gain status is needed)
This Ghoul recognized and speaks on behalf of her Regnant, [[Victor Aurelius Roe|Victor Roe]]
The Regnant is Respected
==== Explanation ====
==== Explanation ====
* This ghoul Speaks on behalf of her Regnant
==== Timeline ====
==== Timeline ====

Revision as of 05:45, 20 December 2015

Template:PC Summary Requiem

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Personal Information

Meredith was born in Liverpool, England and originally came to Perth on a working holiday, looking for fun and endless summer. She wound up working for Victor Aurelius Roe as a Personal Assistant before being ghouled and introduced to Kindred Society


Strikingly pretty, Meredith tends to dress in gothic punk secretarial wear - office shirts teamed with corsets, short skirt and coloured or striped tights, accented with chain wrist cuffs, a studded velvet collar and knee high boots. Her long, purple-black hair is usually pulled into twin plaits woven through with ribbons, though for formal events or when visiting the Roe estate she wears it either loose or in a simple ponytail and replaces the velvet collar with a black lace choker


By parts the competent professional and the quintessential party girl, Meredith is something of a chameleon. She keeps her opinions to herself unless in the company of those she knows will allow her freedom of expression, and is prepared to take any advantage or leverage that may present itself. With those she knows well she reveals a good natured sense of humour, with a particular liking for irony.

Mortal World

In the mortal world Meredith works as Victor's personal executive assistant at Victory Productions. She takes care of the majority of the administrative particulars, from booking venues and arranging equipment supplies for the bands managed by the company to negotiating on Victor's behalf with key stakeholders. Of the various bands signed with Victory, The Sinister Fourskins seems to be Victor's current major project and thus takes up a lot of Meredith's time.

The Sinister Fourskins

Sinister Fourskins first Album cover.

The Sinister Fourskins is an alternative Industrial Metal band, formed in the early half of 2012, since then the band has been performing ad hoc at local venues and are begining to gain some momentum in the Alternative Metal genre. The band is known for their antics on stage as well as their unconventional lyrics and on stage presence.

What is Alternative Metal?

Alternative metal usually takes elements of heavy metal with influences from genres like alternative rock, and other genres not normally associated with metal, such as hardcore punk, funk, and progressive rock. Alternative metal bands are often characterized by heavy guitar riffs, melodic vocals, unconventional sounds within other heavy metal genres, unconventional song structures and sometimes experimental approaches to heavy music.

Band Members

Behind the Scenes

  • Vic Roe - Bands Manager
  • Crystal - Lighting and SFX Manager

Information Known by Kindred Society

Meredith is the prized ghoul of Victor Roe, she was first seen at Court gatherings early in 2012. There are rumours, however, that she was ghouled almost a year earlier - scandalously early in Victor's Kindred career. She is given a remarkable amount of freedom, being acknowledged as being able to speak in Victor's stead and negotiate on his behalf. She's known to be very capable, and is utterly devoted to Victor.


This Ghoul recognized and speaks on behalf of her Regnant, Victor Roe The Regnant is Respected


  • This ghoul Speaks on behalf of her Regnant


  • 1987 - Born in Liverpool
  • 2009 - Arrives in Perth, meets Victor
  • 2011 - Ghouled after a car accident
  • 2012 - Introduced to the Court

Recent History


Quotes By

"It's a bit of a disconcerting feeling, walking into a room and knowing that everyone else in that room can hear your heart beating. They can hear your blood rushing in your veins as easily as you can, but you can't let on. You can't let on that it bothers you or that you're anything but totally confident, because that's just asking for trouble" - on the first time she attended a Kindred gathering

Quotes About

  • “Hmm, let me make something really clear. Meredith is special to me, more special than anyone or anything else. I have given her my voice, and she may speak as me in my absence. She is not something to be squandered on Experimentation. I see the understanding in your eyes” - Vic to Thamos
  • "One day she will be Daeva and Invictus." - Virginia Lu
  • "Wait, you took on two Strix and walked away in one piece?" - Sebastian


"Our relationship is obviously different to yours."
"Are you trying to say yours didn't involve the boardroom table at the office christmas party?"
"No... but Im glad the outfits are working for you." Crystal and Meredith, over breakfast


  • Those who have been accorded the privilege of having tasted Meredith's blood say there's something quite strange about it
  • Don't cross her. She might not be powerful in her own right, but she bears grudges and has powerful protectors
  • Regularly goes out with Crystal for breakfast at sunrise after Court gatherings - a ritual they jokingly refer to as "The Breakfast Club"
  • Has been dubbed "The Herder of Cats" by the the Bishop, though apparently her opinion of Meredith's clothing choices is less than complimentary
  • Was attacked by two Strix in Crystal's shop. Took them down and then complained because they ruined the dress she was having made

Inspirations and Soundtrack

  • All I Want is Everything - Def Leppard
  • Master of Puppets - Metallica
  • Andrea, from The Devil Wears Prada

OOC Information

Loves Thai food and M+Ms

Please note: This character can be a bit of an arrogant bitch at times, remember it's the character not me! If you have any issues with something I've done/said, please come and talk to me OOC

Member Information
Player: [mailto: Claire A]
Number: 200511076
Domain: Domain