Archived-Fatimah al-Mu'allima

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Template:PC Summary Requiem

Personal Information

Fatimah debating the use of capital punishment in Kindred society, October 2013


Fatimah is a short, slight woman, with golden olive skin, brown eyes, and dark hair, from what little can be seen of it. When in public, she wears a hijab and long flowing skirt, and heavily favours bright, vibrant colours and patterns. Her movements alternate between small and unassuming, and excited and energetic, depending on whoever she's talking to, but are very rarely without a certain grace.


Mortal World

Information Known by Kindred Society


Recent History


  • Unknown

Known Sire

  • Unknown

Known Siblings

  • Unknown

Known Childer

  • Unknown


Quotes By

"You hear my covenant-mates speak of how they are Allah's wrath, His fear, His punishment. You see them forgetting that we are predators, and becoming monsters. You see them reveling in their damnation, and letting it give them license to sin- not all, alhamdulillah, but enough. That is why I am the smallest predator, and why I teach. Man cannot fear a God he does not understand or feel in their hearts, so I show Him to them. And if I do my job well, they will never need to know the ministry of my brothers and sisters."

"A good point, and well made, but have you considered the Rule of Golgotha, where..." - When debating, more often than not.

"I am the smallest predator, but it seems the manifestation of my damnation is the most perfect for my city right now. May Allah have mercy upon me, should He be so willing." - February, 2014, on taking up the mantle of Imam of Sydney

"Pffft, don't patronise me. My people invented mathematics." - To Ordo Dracul trying to baby her through certain concepts.

"May he burn in Jahannam slightly less than the rest of us." - What passes for 'May God bless you' whenever people are listening too closely

Quotes About

"Sanctity and the purity of rose oil, spices and lightning, a voice that hides everything and nothing. Did you know she prays as she kills her enemies? I did not, until I met her ill starred by moonlight, with the gospel crackle of her efforts and the shrieks of the shrived souls eclipsed by the purity, sanctity, lightning and wrath. This young blood is going places, this one I shall keep half an ear for on the wind."
- Algol, after the Sydney War.

"Fatimah is doubly other. She is not like the rest of the Kindred as she professes the faith of Longinus, yet she is not like the rest of the Sanctified in that she rejects the Sanguineous Catechism. She is not as distant and archaic as Alim Al Rashid, she could have easily been a member of my parish. She is perhaps the closest to my equal in theological knowledge, and I find her discourse invigorating and a balm to my soul. I once encouraged her to supplant Fredrick Urquhart as Bishop in an effort to extend my own influence. God does indeed have a sense of humour, as it was her words and not those of Calvin Harper that saw me chastised in front of my brothers and sisters. She never did prove me wrong though. Like swords sharpening each other, we are destined to forever disagree and spar with each other, and in the process we will both be forged into the apex predators that God demands. And it is that fact, that inescapable truth, that I hate her and cherish her. Once the Crone, the Brood, the Livians and all the other threats to the Sanctified are removed, my attention will turn to her. And until that night, no one will harm her. I will not allow it. I will not be denied."
- Lupo, in a period of self reflection.

"When we fought the Brood, there were those that chose to end their Requiems rather than face me. When she challenged me for the position of Bishop, I chose the field of war. I chose the place, the time, and the weapons of the fight. I chose all that would aid me and be alien to her. We fought in my world, and she conquered it in minutes. Not because she desired power, but because it was her duty to God. If she feels she is right, you can no more stop her than you can extinguish the sun."
- Fredrick Urquhart, In a conversation about Fatimah's dedication to the cause.

"I'm not really a specialist with anything supernatural that isn't us. I tend to just ask Fatimah. I trust her, she shares the blood of my clan; she's got wisdom beyond anything I've got, and the power to kick arse and take names. Sure, we may have different perspectives on the Church, but that doesn't really matter to me."
- David Bradshaw

"For many years we have been devoid of the others presence in our calculations. No longer."
- Murdoch Tyron

"Alim gave me his blood to start my requiem this gift is why I call him sire, but Fatimah has given me a gift equally as precious. Without her guidence I know not where i would be, this is why i call her Ummi. Family is more then blood"
- Karlin

"For but a brief moment after Eira's death, she and I felt each others grief, each others loss, and each others rage. I have always looked up to her for strength and support, but perhaps for the first time I felt I truly understood her and she, I."
- Ella Harper after she was told by Fatimah the reason Eira was not coming to Canberra.


"Fatimah, I have something for you. I understand Doubting Thomas wanted you to have this. It's the traditional reward for your services."
- Lupo, handing Fatimah thirty pieces of silver at the Sydney Conclave in 2014.

"What are we going to do about Lupo?"
"It doesn't matter to me. Fatimah is my bishop now."
- Grim and MASH, during the conflict among the Canberra court over the fate of Rieger

"You refuse to accept your role in God's plan, childe."
"No. I just question a God that condemns our souls for actions out of our control. Have you ever met Archibishop al-Mu'allima, Bishop?"
"And that's why I question God. I can't believe that he'd damn someone like her to hell."
- Eira and Aeron Sebrus.


  • Apparently she's obsessed with learning how to fly, but refuses to learn any more Protean. What does she expect?
  • She's constantly seen hobnobbing with the Crone. What's up with that?
    • Probably an ugly L-word that some people don't want mentioned.
      • Lesbians?
        • Well, yes, probably also that.

Inspirations and Soundtrack


OOC Information

Member Information
Player: [mailto: Katie]
Number: 2003100552
Domain: Sydney