Sabbat in Australia

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Brief Australian Sabbat History

Self Proclaimed Almirante Noche de Tormenta (Admiral Night Storm) had been ravaging the southern Asian oceans with her pirate fleet on behalf of the Sabbat for 50 years when Australia was first settled. On hearing about the colonisation of the new land she mobilised several other ocean going packs she lead and set out for Australia intent on claiming the nation for herself on behalf of the Sabbat.

Her fleet was unfortunately not the first kindred force to arrive at Australia, and unsuccessfully pushed back on her first several attempts to capture Sydney in the early nights. Settling what is now known as Eastern Victoria she used it as a base of operations to continue to raid the Camarilla held cities.

While the Sabbat never held any key cities for very long in the country they upheld a very successful guerrilla war with the Camarilla killing some very important elder kindred, that earned the title of Cardinal of Australia for their leader.

Early 2000 Cardinal Noche de Tormenta, lost her position to Decimus, an ancient necromantic monster only recently returned from the shadow. One of the many rumours floating around the position was part of the price the Harbinger of Skulls demanded when joining the Sabbat. More than one Sabbat member claims to have seen a monomancy where the Noche rained a hundreds blows that would have killed other kindred onto Decimus who ignored them all, after several minutes he finally chanted five short words in Latin and she fell to the ground unmoving.

Within a month Decimus had pulled back all the crusades from around Australia and began the most successful crusade in Australia’s history taking Tasmania in only 3 nights. Shortly after he began a radical rebuilding project within the state reshaping it in the image he required.

The month after a silent purge ravaged the Sabbat, any kindred of Giovanni blood disappeared in quick succession, everyone knew the cause but no kindred dared publicly raise the issue.

Decimus setup a Library soon after the demise of the Tremere Anti deciding the crusade need access to Thaumaturgy and invited sorcerers of different types to access it on the proviso they would add to it their knowledge.

In 2010 Decimus put out a call to the Sabbat across the world to restart the war in Australia now that he is confident he has a strong foothold in Australia.

Pre Colonisation

  • 1493 Caintes in Europe sign the Code of Milan and form the Sabbat
  • 1765 News reaches the United Kindom of a new land that is to be used to form a new British Colony. Penal transports depart to establish.
  • 1788 Almirante Noche de Tormenta (Admiral Night Storm), Lasombra, mobilises several other ocean going packs intent on claiming the new colony for herself on behalf of the Sabbat. They arrive to discover Camarilla Elders had similar goals of claiming the land for themselves.

19th Century

20th Century

New Millennium

  • 2000 Decimus (previously unknown to the Sabbat of Australia) challenges Cardinal Noche de Tormenta to Monomacy. He takes the title of Cardinal of Australia over her torpored body
    • Decimus leads a successful Crusade to take Tasmania. Scores of Gangrel are slaughtered as they attempt to defend their territory
  • 2003 Sabbat lay siege as the Brisbane Crusade begins. The Camarilla Court of Brisbane is nigh wiped out. Few Camarilla kindred (if any) survive.
  • 2007 Camarilla Elders front an assault to take back Brisbane
  • 2010 Lacking support and numbers, the Sabbat are driven from Brisbane. Several Sabbat and some entire packs are lost to the war with the Camarilla
    • All Tremere Antitribu self-combust in a ball of fire. Rumour has it that the Tremere invaded Mexico and conducted a ritual to extinguish all Tremere from the ranks of the Sabbat
    • Cardinal Decimus sets up a Library and declares that with the demise of the Tremere Anti, the Sabbat need greater access to Thaumaturgy. Tzimisce Koldon, Assamite Sorcerers and Serpent of the Light Sorcerers are notably insulted at the suggestion that their sorcery isn't good enough. Decimus invites the disgurntled sorcerers to gain access on the proviso they add their knowledge to the library
  • 2011 A Crusade is called on the Camarilla Court of Sydney
    • The Brisbane Sabbat retreat to the Gold Coast to regroup and to plan how they intend to retake Brisbane