Brisbane Camarilla Harpy Report

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Return to Brisbane Camarilla Court

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Ignorantia juris neminem excusat
The Harpy is the Social Conscience of the city, responsible for tracking scandals and boons.

The Murder of Harpies

  • Chief Harpy Mr Parker Acknowledged of the Malkavian, Chief Harpy of the Domain of Brisbane
  • Harpy Calabrac Acknowledged of the Nosferatu, Primogem, Herald, Harpy of the Domain of Brisbane.
  • Harpy Clay McDonald Acknowledged of the Gangrel, Scourge, Harpy of the Domain of Brisbane.
  • Harpy Luella Hunter Acknowledged of the Gangrel, Primogem, Chancellor, Deputy Sheriff, Harpy of the Domain of Brisbane.
  • Harpy Scabs Acknowledged of the Nosferatu, Harpy of the Domain of Brisbane.
  • Harpy Vishakhadatta Ancillae of the Ventrue, Harpy of the Domain of Brisbane.

Venerated Elders, Esteemed office holders and Acknowledged members of the seven clans of the Camarilla Domain of Brisbane, I submit for your pleasure, a collation the observations of the Brisbane Court of 2015 as seen by myself Mr. Parker of the Clan of Lunatics.

In Character Reports Support Documentation IC Documentation
Harpy Report for February 2015 Harpies at Court 101 Standard Harpy Court Routine Insurance Policy for Harpies 2015
Harpy Report for March 2015 The Traditions The rule that we live by. Types of Scandals For quick reference
Harpy Report for April 2015 The Protocols of the Camarilla The Rules which define our setting Letter to the Elders Raising Social Rank Act 1
Harpy Report for May 2015 Etiquette at Court A primer for social based interaction. Letter to Ancillae Raising Social Rank Act 2
Harpy Report for June 2015 Announcement Templates For official praise or criticism.
Harpy Report for July 2015
Harpy Report for August 2015

OOC Tracking Changes in Standing and Announcements

Date Name Announcement OOC Note
14 March Dr Barnett declared Jeronimo for his efforts against the Sabbat to be a Daredevil Dr Barnett expended expended temporary trait Well-Known to make Dex Daredevil
14 March Jeronimo gained the title Daredevil for his efforts against the Sabbat Jeronimo gained clan trait Daredevil
11 April Ms Rose declared D'Lumiere for her defence of the haven Awe Inspiring Honorary title with no status change since the bequeather was not high enough to grant increased status.
11 April Ms Rose declared Voce for his defence of the haven Courageous Cassandra Rose expended temporary trait Revered to make Voce Courageous
11 April Voce Gained the title Courageous Cassandra Rose expended temporary trait Revered to make Voce Courageous
11 April Voce declared Seneschal Aurelia DuBois for being used by Prince Karl to argue a point to be a Patsy Voce expended temporary trait Influential to declare Aurelia Patsy
11 April Aurelia DuBois gained the title Patsy Voce expended temporary trait Influential to declare Aurelia Patsy
11 April Voce declared Prince Dr Karl to be deficient in his argument in regard to Voce's previous ruling and rescinded Dr Karl's status of Ancillae Voce expended temporary trait Ancillae to remove Dr Karl's Ancillae status for a month.
11 April Dr Karl lost the status of Ancillae for the month of April Voce expended temporary trait Ancillae to remove Dr Karl's Ancillae status for a month.
11 April Calibrac on behalf of Tybal Clan Head declared Scabs for his services to the Nosferatu and to the Camarilla to be Valuable Tybalt expended temporary trait Overpowered NPC Justicar to make Scabs Valuable
9 May Dr Karl declared Voce to be Outcast Karl expended temporary trait Famous to make Voce Outcast
9 May Voce Gained it title Outcast Voce is considered Outcast This Title supersedes all Stations or Status a Kindred may have.
9 May Dr Barnett declared Alistair MacLeod to be known as A F*cking Sh*t for failing to do his duties as Primogen Dr Barnett expended temporary trait Revered to award negative status A F*cking Sh*t to Alistair MacLeod
9 May Dr Barnett declared Emily Black to be Stalwart her Valiant efforts against the Sabbat Dr Barnett expended temporary trait Well Known to award Emily Black Stalwart OOC Assuming that Emily Black's status was less than 2 at the time (Acknowledged and Champion)
9 May Mr Parker by decree of Nanny Mr Parker to be Malkavian Clan Head Mr Parker gained status trait Revered and Well-Known
9 May Dr Karl stood down as Prince and is no longer considered Exalted, Well-Known and Famous Karl lost traits Exalted, Well-Known and Famous
9 May Scotty Contested praxis and was declared Prince by council of Primogen Scotty gained traits Exalted, Well-Known and Famous
9 May Scotty became Prince of Brisbane and is considered Exalted, Well-Known and Famous Scotty gained traits Exalted, Well-Known and Famous
9 May Calibrac declared Emily Black Rude for calling an elder and other luminaries 'idiots' (within hearing) Calibrac expended temporary trait 'Influential' to grant the temporary status Rude to Emily Black
9 May Calibrac declared on behalf of Scotty Prince of Brisbane that Calibrac is to court Herald and be considered Informed Calibrac gained status trait 'Informed' as Herald.
9 May Calibrac declared as Herald on behalf of Scotty Prince of Brisbane that Luella Hunter is to be Chancellor No Status change
9 May Calibrac declared as Herald on behalf of Scotty Prince of Brisbane that Aurelia DuBois is to be Seneshal Aurelia gained traits Cherished and Esteemed (Or retained traits)
14 February Voce declared Prince Dr Karl Deficient in regard to the rules Voce expended temporary trait Influential to declare Dr Karl Deficient.
14 February Dr Karl removed Voce Well-Versed for not knowing the protocols of the Camarilla in regard to the powers of the Seneshal Dr Karl expended temporary trait Famous to remove Voce Well-Versed.
14 February Voce is no longer considered Well-Versed for not knowing the protocols of the Camarilla in regard to the powers of the Seneshal Voce lost trait Well-Versed.
14 February Dr Karl declared Mr Parker Resourceful for organization and information gathering Karl expended temporary trait Exalted to make Mr Parker Resourceful
14 February Dr Karl revoked Emily Black status of Outcast Karl expended temporary trait Famous to revoke Emily Black negative status trait of Outcast

OOC Tracking New Kindred and Visitors to the Brisbane Court

Date Name Clan Player
14 March Dex Malkavian Brett
14 March Jeronimo Brujah -
14 March Savage Beast Brujah
14 March Anne Green Gangrel
14 March Kit Dimitri Malkavian
14 March Dr Leon Dimitri Malkavian
14 March Suzura Malkavian
14 March Malak Nosferatu
14 March Rosamund Pike Ventrue
14 March Alasdair Drummond Ventrue
14 March Tristan Catiff Scum Catiff
14 February Caspian Fox Ventrue
14 February Penelope Gardiner Malkavian