Magician Lore

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Wraith: | Main Page | VSS | Characters | Hierarchy | Heretics | Renegades | Ferrymen | Lores | Brisbane Necropolis

Magician Lore x1

  • There are Mortals who can perform real magic, without need for mirrors or tricks.
  • Some Magicians can sense and speak with wraiths.
  • Magic requires a specific formula, with inscriptions and sigils to work. Even the slightest disruption can waste hours of preparation.
  • Magic requires fetishes and items of mystic significance to work.
  • Magicians cannot let their bare feet touch earth or they will be rendered powerless
  • Magicians cannot easily swim beneath water, they tend to have remarkable bouyancy.
  • Magicians have a supernumerary nipple, from which they feed their familiar.
  • Magicians traffic with demons, spirits in league with the Malfeans.

Magician Lore x2

  • The Magicians that can sense and converse with wraiths are part of a death cult.
  • Magicians can move amongst Mortals who are never aware of their powers
  • Magicians have formidable powers of will and are extremely hard to Skinride or otherwise affect with Arcanoi.
  • Some Magicians can trap and command wraiths.
  • Magicians are divided into various groups with diverse aims, methods and social structures
  • Magicians have specific methods of performing their magic, varying from group to group

Magician Lore x3

  • Magicians call themselves Mages, Magus or Magi.
  • You may know 2-4 names of Traditions or Conventions
  • The Mages of the Death Cult are called Euthanatos, they seek the death of all mortals.
  • Mages contend with other, unknown powers over locations they believe hold power.
  • Mages are passionate yet Pathos is difficult to obtain from them compared to a mortal experiencing similar levels of emotion.
  • Some Mages not of the Euthanatos can sense and converse with wraiths.
  • Some Mages can summon Spectres to do their bidding.

Magician Lore x4

  • There are factions within the Magi; one that promotes the modern technological world, one that promotes the faded mythological world and one that serves only their own selfish whims.
  • There are some insane Mages that serve only their own madness.
  • You may know 4-8 Traditions or Conventions and their brief description out of Mage: The Ascension.
  • You know Mages describe their Magic in terms of Spheres and you may know some of the names.
  • Mages do not become wraiths when they die.
  • Some Mages wield powers similar to the Arcanoi of Alchemy, Inhabit, Outrage and Phantasm.
  • Some Magi uses the blood of mortals and their own blood to fashion powerful magic.

Magician Lore x5

  • You can name most Traditions and Conventions, though their exact relationship to each other is often unclear. You can describe them generally as per the Mage: The Ascension descriptions.
  • Mages are fighting over possession of the Skinlands and the Mortals. This war has been going on ever since some mortals learned magic.
  • Some Mages, the Nephandi, really do make pacts with malevolent spiritual beings akin to Spectres.
  • Mages can affect probability, their magic seemingly to be serendipitous events rather than the use of power. This makes them subtle indeed.
  • Some Mages can cross the Shroud, exhibiting powers equal to Gaunts.
  • Some Mages are immortal, maintaining their youth and vitality through magic.

Wraith: | Main Page | VSS | Characters | Hierarchy | Heretics | Renegades | Ferrymen | Lores | Brisbane Necropolis