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The Invictus

The Invictus

The Invictus, also known as the "First Estate", is strictly concerned with material gain and power within a city. They are heavily involved in city politics and business. The members of this covenant are the most common users of the blood bond for subordinates and as a form of punishment. New members are often attracted with the promise of rank and status; with service to elders and experience, any member could rise to prominence if they are qualified and active within the covenant. However, the majority of new members will never gain any recognition for their acts, and the Elder of the Inner Circle use neonates for their own gain. It is a very corrupted covenant, whose first thought is almost invariably "money and power." A majority of the members is from the Daeva and Ventrue clans.

Holding such pull on society from the shadows benefits even the lowest of the covenant's ranks and raise them into a position and lifestyle they are deserved to enjoy. Mechanically, Invictus members can purchase the following merits at half the normal XP costs:

  • Herd
  • Mentor
  • Resources
  • Retainer

Within an Ascendant Invictus domain, its members are held in the highest of esteem. If the Prince is of the first estate, none will dare seek to shame them or subvert their political power. Even Harpies struggle to reduce the political influence of the First Estate when they hold prominence.


List of all characters in a sortable table.

Character Clan Bloodline Group Domain Status Position/Title
Marquis Aurialanus Ventrue Architects of the Monolith House Pendragon Sydney 3 Covenant Head, Primus of Sydney, Judex
Bernard Estera Clan Bloodline Group Sydney 3
Czernobog Nosferatu Bloodline Group Melbourne 2 Au Pair
Harold Gilley Daeva Unknown Group Armidale 2 None
Lady J Daeva Anvari Group Canberra 3 Viscountess, Alpha Groom
Tiberius Harkonus Augustus Marcellarius Ventrue Bloodline House Pendragon Canberra 3 Primus of Canberra
Vivi Lafleur Daeva Bloodline Group Canberra 3 Meister Harpy
Zarkov Justinius Nosferatu Bloodline Group Canberra 2 Prince
Rasmus Armfelt Gangrel Bloodline Valdyr, Order of the Iron Wall Brisbane 3 Judex
Lorenzo_Penthièvre Daeva Bloodline The Cherubim Adelaide 3 Librettist
Esteban Cortes Nosferatu None House Volmark,Order of the Iron Wall Armidale 2 Prince of New England, Primus, Baron
Matthias Gangrel Bloodline Group Armidale 1 Archon
Charlotte Valdyr Gangrel None House Valdyr,Order of the Iron Wall Toowoomba 3 Duchess, Prince and Primus of Toowoomba
Victor White Ventrue Architects of the Monolith Group Perth 3 Speaker
Godric Volmark Nosferatu None House Volmark, Order of the Black Cross, The Octopus Brisbane 2 Earl
Walter Nelson Benedict Ovingham-Talbot III Ventrue None House Ward Adelaide 3 Prince of Adelaide, Primus of Adelaide
Rosalie Daeva Bloodline Group Perth 2 Knight
Algol Nosferatu Bloodline Group Perth 2 Advocate
Bruno Badalamenti Ventrue Bloodline House Pendragon Perth 1 Archon
Simon Faraday Ventrue None Group Perth 1 Minor Harpy of Perth
SDC David Bradshaw Gangrel None Group Canberra 1 Mister (Not that he claims or likes it)
Emrys Arthusia Gangrel None Group Canberra 1 Mister (Not that he claims or likes it)
Sebastian Volmark Nosferatu None House Volmark, Guild of the Mockingbird Brisbane 2 Grand Meister of the Guild of the Mockingbird
Roxanne Eupraxus Lorainne Daeva Eupraxus House Penthièvre, Guild of the Sanguine Quill Brisbane 3 Alder Lady Notary, Grand Meister of the Sanguine Quill, Daeva Priscus of Brisbane

Deceased, Departed or Missing

The following members have deceased, departed, missing or otherwise not in play.

Character Clan Bloodline Group Domain Reason
Character Clan Bloodline Group Domain Reason not in play
Character Clan Bloodline Group Domain Reason not in play
Character Clan Bloodline Group Domain Reason not in play

Lineages, Houses, Coteries, Guilds and Groups

The following lineages, houses, coteries, guilds and other groups exist within the Invictus.

Vassalage Chains

House Justinius

  • TBA
    • TBA
      • TBA
    • TBA
      • TBA
      • TBA


Guilds are central organising groups within the Invictus. Most Invictus have spent at least some time as part of a guild.

Guild of the Golden Chain

A Guild of harpies. The guild trains neonates in the proper use of status and boons. Most Invictus who are hoping to hold a court harpy position have graduated from this guild.

Guild of the Mockingbird

A Guild of Speakers, Heralds and Chroniclers. The guild is devoted to teaching the matters of Invictus etiquette from Titles and seating arrangments to the colours you should wear and gifts you should give.

Guild of the Sanguine Quill

A Guild of Notaries. The guild is devoted to teaching and performing of the Oaths of the Invictus.

Order of the Black Cross

Black corss.jpg

A militant order of Knightly Hospitallers that consist of warriors from both the 1st and 2nd Estates. These archaic soldiers are well past their glory days and spend more time telling old war stories than striving to fulfil their oaths.

Order of the Iron Wall

Kights dedicated to defending the city against outside threats. They seek out these threats and mobilise the court in defense.

Most Noble Fellowship of Artemis

Information about the group, possibly list of characters and link to their page.

The Octopus

Information about the group, possibly list of characters and link to their page.

The Cherubim

A faction heavily devoted to the patronizing of the arts. Members tend to be exorbitantly wealthy.

The Most Honorable Order of the Thorned Wreath

All members of the Order of the Thorned Wreath are pledged to the Invictus with heart and soul. Self sacrificing for the covenant is expected and believed in. Defense even if final death is called for.

Die Nachteulen

A secretive group that operatives in a cell based fashion. There goal is to mislead and disrupt the mystic Covenants.

Group Name

Information about the group, possibly list of characters and link to their page.

Titles for Dummies

Of course you are not a dummy. But with all of those titles and etiquette, every neonate gets confused. Simply by trying to learn, you are doing better than the average Carthian. This is just "A Reference for the Rest of Us"

Titles of Esteem

Titles of esteem are the most common in the covenant, every neonate gains one the moment the Embrace takes hold.

Master/Miss - Embraced but still undergoing the instruction of the sire. Not a formal member of the covenant.

Mister/Madam - Entered Invictus society. The common title of Esteem.

Alder - A Kindred aged well beyond the average of the city’s vampire populace.

Titles of Tribute

Lord/Lady - Bestowed upon a vampire for honorable service to the Invictus. May be granted due to a glorious lineage.

Baron/Baroness - Bestowed upon a Lord or Lady vampire who has distinguished himself or herself on several occasions

Viscount - Bestowed upon a vampire who is given permanent domain within the territories of the Invictus. Referred to as "The Good"

Earl - Bestowed upon a vampire who conquers a domain, adding it to the territories of the Invictus and earning the right to rule it. Referred to as "The Honorable"

Marquis - Bestowed upon a vampire who is given permanent place on the Inner Circle of a city. Referred to as "The Right Honorable"

Duke/Duchess - Bestowed upon a vampire who is held responsible for conquering a city and establishing a strong base of power for lasting rule by the unlife in the Invictus. Referred to as "His Grace or Her Grace"

Titles of Function

Many vampires in the Invictus prefers to declare a profession, underscoring the value of their contributions to the covenant in the city and ensuring that nobody ever needs to ask that tedious question, what do you do? Once guild schooling is completed, you may claim one of the below titles.





Au Pair


Councilor: A member of the Inner Circle. This title supersedes any other title of function the vampire may possess except, of course, Prince.










Prince: The city position of Prince.












The following are the major national locations for the Invictus.

Chronicle History



  • June -
  • July -
  • August -
  • September -
  • October -
  • November -
  • December -



The following resources may assist the creation and playing of your character.

Invictus Flower Code


