Brisbane X CofD

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The Sovereign Secular Socialist Democratic Republic of Brisbane

Sovereign: Means free from the control of any foreign power, be it governmental, clan or covenant. Brisbane citizens have supreme right to make decisions on internal as well as external matters. No external power can dictate the government of Brisbane. The sovereignty empowers Brisbane to either acquire a foreign territory or cede a part of its territory in favour of a foreign.

Secular: Brisbane is a city free from religious or spiritual interference. Religious organisations are required to meet with state guidelines and approval before conducting any ceremonies.

Socialist: The achievement of socialistic goals through democratic, evolutionary and non-violent means.

Democratic: The citizens of Brisbane elect the governing body by a process of universal acknowledged franchise.

Republic: The leader of the state is elected by the citizens and not a heredity monarch. This word denotes a government where no one holds a public power as proprietary right

Parliamentary Positions


Chairman: Vernon Sawyer [NPC]

Secretary of Defense: Jonas Lang [NPC]

Minister for Communication: Sebastian Richmond

Minister for Taxation:

Minister for Security: Miss Varouna Ratti [NPC]

District 2 Governor: Isabelle Murray

District 3 Governor: Madeline Kosgrove [NPC]

District 4 Governor: Ingrid Sajewski [NPC]

District 5 Governor: Guile Francis [NPC]

District 6 Governor: Kenneth Fisher [NPC]

District 7 Governor: Samuels [NPC]

District 8 Governor: Sol [NPC]

Non-Sanctioned Positions

Bishop: - Jasper Wolfe

High Priestess: - Celene

Laws of the Domain

1) Ignorance of the Law is no defence.

2) The Laws of the city are absolute.

3) The Laws of the city are above question by all but the Parliament.

4) All of the Domain of Brisbane is under the authority of the Parliament.

Parliamentary Edicts

Edict of Kindred Supremacy: Lex Kindred Vici The Kindred hold Brisbane since the war of liberation in 2011.

Edict of Taxation: Lex Vitae: All Kindred will pay the Blood Tithe of 1/10.

Edict of Supernatural Others: Lex 'Other' Census: All supernatural 'others' are required to be registered with the department of security.


Rules of Elysium

Recent History

What's Happening in Brisbane this Month

A collection of headlines, rumours, and gossip of events affecting Brisbane as a whole. This is public information available to mortal and supernatural alike.

Brisbane Court News

A collection of events from the kindred court. This is kindred specific information only and is considered available to members of the Brisbane Court only.

Members of the Court

LogoCovenantCarthianMovement 70x70.png LogoCovenantCircleoftheCrone 70x70.png LogoCovenantInvictus 70x70.png LogoCovenantLanceaSanctum 70x70.png LogoCovenantOrdoDracul 70x70.png LogoCovenantUnaligned 70x70.jpg Last Update May 2017

Character Covenant Clan/Other House/District City Status Clan Status Covenant Status Player

Aiden Pierce Mortal Asset -- 0 0 0 James C
Aloysius Konig Carthian Movement Ventrue -- 1 1 1 Dallas F
Celene Circle of the Crone Daeva Ashbury Family, District 10 1 2 4 Morgen Boulton
Jesus Roach Lancea et Sanctum Nosferatu - Ghoul Trinity Trinity Laity Morgan M
Kisa Novell Carthian Movement Mekhet House Oni, BitEnu 1 2 1 Shannon Spanks
Kitty Carthian Movement Daeva 1 2 3 Marie G
Black  ??? ??? District ? 1 ? ? Morgan M
Meredith Gentry Mortal Asset 0 0 0 Liz C
Naoki Oni Invictus Nosferatu House Oni 1 1 1 Blake Harris
Patricia Jones Invictus Ventrue - - - - Ashley M
Trinity Lancea et Sanctum Nosferatu 1 1 1 George L
Uncle Gadi Gangrel -- 1 1 1 Jag
Viktor Reynder Circle of the Crone Gangrel Villr Family, District 10 2 2 2 Beau Grace
Cedric Blackwell Invictus Daeva House Blackwell 1 1 1 Jacob M
Max Blackwell Invictus Daeva House Blackwell 1 1 1 Nadine M

Interactable NPCs

Character Clan/Bloodline/Supernatural Covenant Skill/Job Position/Influence City Status Location Status
? Kindred - Nosferatu Invictus - (Legal + Medical inf) 2 - NPC

LogoDaeva.png LogoGangrel.png LogoMekhet.png LogoNosferatu.png LogoVentrue.png

Clan and Feeding Areas including Regencies

Territory Quality Type Tenant Regency Restrictions
District 1 Brisbane Prime Court None None Status 4 Access
District 2 Gold Coast Prime Isabelle Murray None None Status 3 Access
District 3 Logan Good Court None None Status 3 Access
District 4 Ipswich Good Court None None Status 3 Access
District 5 Redands Average Court None None Status 2-3
District 6 Morten Average Court None None Status 2-3
District 7 Sunshine Good Court None None Status 3-4
District 8 Noosa Good Court None None None
District 9 Lockyear Valley Poor None None None None
District 10 Sommerset Reserve Poor Celene None None None
District 10 Sommerset Reserve : Lowood Dr Jack None None None None
District 11 Sunshine Reserve Poor None None None None
District 12 Scenic Rim Poor None None None None
District 13: SW Reserve Poor None None None None

Deceased, Departed or Missing

The following members have died, departed, gone missing or are otherwise not in play.

Character Covenant Clan/Bloodline House City Status Clan Status Covenant Status Player Cause
Killrec -- -- [None - 0 None -
Aasira Tawfeek Circle of the Crone Gangrel - 1 1 1 Ashley M
Bishop Graves Lancea et Sanctum Gangrel House Blackwood 0 2 2 Jackson O'Sullivan
Brother Scratch Lancea et Sanctum Gangrel House Blackwood 0 2 2 Matt Martin
Luke Goodman Lancea et Sanctum Ventrue 0 1 0 Brad J Ashed by Benjamin Rivers
Dr Jack Bird Carthian Movement Mekhet District 10 1 1 1 Morgan M Torpored by Mikhail / Javier Ashed by Aiden Pierce]
Dixon Rowe Ordo Dracul Daeva - - - -
Dominic Oni Invictus Nosferatu House Oni 1 1 2 Adam Muhling
Isabelle Murray Invictus/Lancea et Sanctum Mekhet Mae'r Ceiswyr 3 2 4/1 Shaye McCarthy-Atkinson
Jack Smith Gangrel 0 1 0 Rob S
Jasper Wolfe Lancea et Sanctum Mekhet Mae'r Ceiswyr 0 1 1 Cameron Stewart
Kelsey Ghoul Property of L Goodman 0 Kat A
Liam Frazer Carthian Movement Daeva 1 1 1 Wraith
Redfoot Circle of the Crone Daeva Ashbury Family, District 10 0 1 1 Justin W
Rudolph Richten Carthian Movement Ventrue District 10 1 1 2 Ben G
Sebastian Richmond Circle of the Crone Ventrue -- 1 1 1 Daniel C
Thomas Reeve Carthian Movement Mekhet -- 2 1 1 Martin Flanagan
Yr Ysgolhaig Unaligned Mekhet Mae'r Ceiswyr 1 1 1 Shay M
Javier Acosta De Blanca Circle of the Crone Ventrue Roe 1 1 1 Jacob Middleby