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'''Year'''  <br>
'''1524'''  almost 6 decades of possession by a Strix and the thousands of atrocities committed, culminates with the Strix-possessed Wodan and his cult summoning an other-worldly being into existence. Many of the cult die in the ritual. as the new God is born, Wodan is forced to watch from within his own body as the Strix plucked from his own socket, his right eye and offered it up as sacrifice for the birth of the beast. At the rituals completion, the Strix leaves Wodan, whom he leaves in the ritual circle of his dead, depraved, misused Childer. Taking possession of the new creature it had created from their blood and bones, it turned to Wodan, to find him weeping, laughing, crying, broken - Head in his hands, his blackened and empty eye socket peering out from behind bloody fingers. Lj had been searching for him for several years and bore witness to the foul ritual from the shadows, and having been left for dead, recovered him and swiftly alighted from the scene of carnage and devastation. <br>
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Revision as of 20:42, 11 July 2017

Concept: Ancient Progenitor, fallen from Courtly Grace
Clan: Gangrel
Covenant: Circle of the Crone
City: GSS (No Home VSS)
Bloodline: Wild Jagd
Group: Villr,Wild Jagd
Embraced: 1049
Player: Luke
Storyteller: [mailto: GSS (No Home VSS) VST]
"Odin Rides to Hel" (1908) by W. G. Collingwood.

Personal Information


Tall and built for making war in an ancient time. He keeps clean shaven, and his faces bears no distinguishing marks, besides a patch worn over one eye.


Few words are needed to describe the personality of Wodan.

Mortal World

Name in life: Turstin Gouin.
Born: 1021
Wife: Gabyelle Gouin.
Born: 1024
Son: Albéric Gouin.
Born: 1043
no records exist of his birth, death, or even his name. 1000 years will do that.

Past Timeline

This is all to be confirmed and relevant approvals submitted



1021 Turstin is born to Norman parentage, a direct descendant of the original Vikings to settle in what became known as Normandy, France. Groomed to become a soldier from an early age, Turstin's destiny would always be entwined with death.
1040 Turstin becomes engaged to a beautiful young woman, Gabyelle. They marry in the autumn.
1043 During periodic raiding of the Norman coast by Viking longboats Turstin is captured and taken north to -Norway-, The Homeland.
1048 Broken away from his family and village, Turstin is forced to abandon his Christianity and embrace his Viking heritage to survive.
1049 Turstin is found by Ylva Kára. She had come upon him after he was caught of guard by a bear. While he managed to kill the rampaging beast, and did so with respect for the agonised animal, it claimed his right eye. Impressed by Turstins skill with the sword, she offered him power and freedom like nothing he could Imagine - in exchange for his life. thinking he had nothing more to lose, he accepted the Embrace. Never knowing that all the while Ylva had stirred the bear into its rage with the intent of claiming the young man all along.
1059 For a decade, Turstin studies with his Sire the kindred condition, and begins his training in the kindred disciplines of his clan.
1061 Imperial German forces conquer West Frasia (Now Holland). Excited by the prospect of war so close to home, he crosses the North Sea and enters the Netherlands to join the chaos and conflict.
1062 Dissapointed after the conflict in Holland dies down, Turstin continues west, tracing his history back towards Britain.
1063 Returns to the place of his birth after 20 years. his wife now lies in the churchyard, having died of Pneumonia the previous winter. Struck not by grief, but rather the irony of his existence, he leaves a token on the grave of his former beloved. He returns to his old home where he is confronted by a young man whom he learns to be his son. Albéric. The two spend the night discussing their lives until this point. By morning they are bonded deeper than any mortal father and son, and Turstin offers his son his wrist and takes him as his first ghoul.
1065 Turstin and Albéric make their way northward, Turstin intended to take his son to his adopted homeland of Norway, where given time, he may be groomed for the embrace.
1066 Turstin lies in slumber beneath the Battle of Hastings, the battle that would likely have claimed his life had he not been embraced. He unknowingly gorges on the blood of the fallen and when he wakes among the corpses, is horrified to find that his ghoul and son had perished in the battle. He makes a solemn vow never to become embroiled in open battle, and hurriedly leaves the site of devastation. The scene of carnage places a mark upon him he will never forget. Unknown to Turstin, His son rises from the grave as a Revenant and follows his sire north towards their hunting grounds.
1071 Turstin has returned to Norway, unaware that he was followed by the Revenant he accidentally created. Albéric, his mind twisted by the posthumous embrace stalks his Sire.
1072 Turstin comes upon the corpse of a bear, which looks to have been savaged by a beast. Recognising the marks to be claws of another Gangrel, he sets about tracking and capturing them. after several nights of stalking his prey, he comes upon Albéric. Beyond wild, Albéric attacks Turstin, and reluctantly, but resolutely, Turstin puts the beast down.
1075 Wracked by grief and anger, Turstin has been a plague upon the nearby villages for the last three years. unable to console her childe, Ylva commits him to rest in torpor, so he might forget his sons passing. He doesn't forget.






1201 Having reunited with his sire, together they set about making a home of the southern coastal region of Viken, Norway. Together they hunt and prey upon the local villages and ships that travel up and down the inlets and rivers of the region, before stumbling upon Ári and Ljónynja, twins no more than 12 or 13, but already warriors in their own right. the twins do not know they are watched.
1206 Ári is ghouled by Ylva. He begs like a whimpering animal that she embrace his beloved sister Ljónynja and he together so the two of them may serve her. Ylva concedes, after Ári swears his unending loyalty to her.
1207 Ljónynja and Ári are embraced after Ylva baits Ljónynja into combat, and strikes her down. Ári begs for his sister to be saved from death, crying like a pathetic child. Ylva claims her prize, as always as she had intended. Ári realises his mistake too late, and is trapped in service to our Sire.



1400 In a betrayal to the family, Ári is killed. Tyr takes Ljónynja and escapes, forced to leave an injured Ylva and Turstin behind. Unsatisfied with the fallout of events, Turstin leaves to forge his own path, Taking a new name.



1463 Meets 'The Crone' a disgusting Nosferatu of immense power. She takes him under her wing and teaches him new powers of the blood, including the mind twisting powers of Nightmare. Wodan fails to recognise that the immense power of The Crone is actually a Strix, possessing his new mentor. after months of tutelage, Wodan is finally able to manifest his own twisted dillusions. That same night, the Strix leaves the Nosferatu and takes Wodan as its new host. For the next 60 years Wodan watched helplessly from within his own body as he played host to a Strix that carved a bloody and jagged path across Europe, Persia, The Mediterranean and northern Africa, embracing dozens of new and depraved childer, recruited into a cult of Strix-worshippers.



1524 almost 6 decades of possession by a Strix and the thousands of atrocities committed, culminates with the Strix-possessed Wodan and his cult summoning an other-worldly being into existence. Many of the cult die in the ritual. as the new God is born, Wodan is forced to watch from within his own body as the Strix plucked from his own socket, his right eye and offered it up as sacrifice for the birth of the beast. At the rituals completion, the Strix leaves Wodan, whom he leaves in the ritual circle of his dead, depraved, misused Childer. Taking possession of the new creature it had created from their blood and bones, it turned to Wodan, to find him weeping, laughing, crying, broken - Head in his hands, his blackened and empty eye socket peering out from behind bloody fingers. Lj had been searching for him for several years and bore witness to the foul ritual from the shadows, and having been left for dead, recovered him and swiftly alighted from the scene of carnage and devastation.



1622 Meets a young and curious human on a brightly moonlit night. Margarete disguised as a soldier. He senses a darkness about her spirit, so spares her life.






1886 Is roused from slumber to join his sister Ljónynja in travelling to Australia. baulking at the idea of leaving Europe, he seeks out the Oracle for guidance, but finds her torpid, under the watchful gaze of Margarete Wulfhild, now embraced. they exchange memories and Wodan leaves her, but is ultimately late for the boat to sail with his sister to Australia.



1942 Comes upon a young woman being hunted by German soldiers in southern Poland. Amused by her tenacity, he turns the tables on the soldiers by embracing the Gypsy girl, and unleashing her upon her tormentors. She deftly hunts them and feasts on their blood. Surprised by her, and prideful of his blood, He coins the moniker Vala for her after the curses she spat at the soldiers in the night.
1945 Tracking a meal Kindred through Germany, he comes upon his lair one night to find his quarry slain, and a young Australian soldier collapsed in a state of shock, clearly having come upon the Vampire during the day and slain it. Curious to hear this childs story, he waits for the soldier to wake, and explain himself. The boy tells him that several of these 'creatures' had stalked him and his squad for a month, slowly picking them off in the night. finally, when he had been the last alive, he had tracked them back to this cave and in a rage, murdered them all in their day-sleep. Wodan saw himself in the eyes of this soldier, so took him under his wing and before the year was out, Garmr was embraced.
1951 Bears witness to the reawakening of Margarete Wulfhild from Torpor. She doesn't recognise him.




Recent History


Information Known by Kindred Society

Most species bare their teeth as a threat. as a display of aggression, of leadership.

It is a reminder that these clenched jaws can - and will - open your yielding throat.

I want you to think of this the next time I smile.


(Year Embraced)
indicates characters out of play, through death or retirement

Quotes, Conversation and Rumours

Quotes By

"Pentagram. Cross. Little twig men, and now the Circle. It seems they have a new shape for each passing century. Learn this well, child-thing; Real power is shapeless. It is the oily smoke against the sky on moonlit nights."

- When invited to join the Circle of the Crone.

"It is my intention to cause you fear such as you have never known. It is my desire to take your fears to a whole new level of terror. I can smell your fear as its sweet scent flows through my world. This world, One I have crafted of blood and pain and I permit you to exist in. You exist right now only because I have allowed it. You may thank me later for allowing to breathe, but now I will mix in you a concoction of fear, pain, uncertainty, and agony such as you have never known. I know exactly what I am doing; I am the apex predator."

- To his next meal, probably.

"Imagine the end of the world. Now, imagine something worse. I've seen it, and I remember it all in excruciating detail, and I use that word for good reason - for Hel places upon the soul, like a hot brand searing under your fingernails, a mark that both captures and frees you. All in just one agonisingly sweet moment your mind is twisted beyond all sense of morality and purpose, and you are held there, trapped within your own body upon that dark precipice, knowing your body is invaded by all manner of worms and insects, and that moment stretches on and on into infinite darkness. Finally, when your mind is gone, along comes a spider that sits down beside you who thinks that they have a right to disturb your slumber? Well, you were wrong."

- Upon awakening from an extended Torpor, explaining the experience to his breakfast a Neonate-know-better.

Quotes About

"I am not so self-absorbed to say I only fear only a couple of kindred, there are far more dangerous things out there than myself. But the Matriarch and Wodan are on the top of that list, it’s not destruction that I fear so much but failure in my duty to the Matriarch, and the eternal punishment that Wodan would ensure I suffered for that failure."

- Onryō

"My blood-brother and I are the get of lion gods and demon wolves. And he is a killer, a hunter that preys, living on things that live, alone and by virtue of his own prowess. He has survived triumphantly in a hostile environment where only the strongest survive, and I love that in him in a way only a blood sister can."

- Ljónynja Øringr to Onryō.

"He is Gangrel purity, a man-beast, carnivore incarnate, motivated by carnal voracity and wearing only the façade of civility. Tempt him if you will, but when you vanish I will not look for you, for when my brother hunts, he leaves no trace of his quarry. Indeed, if you give him reason to chase you, it would raise your chance of survival from ‘You won’t have time to draw breath’ to ‘he’ll make you scream first’."

- Ljónynja Øringr to her childe upon meeting Wodan and their suggestion that Celerity would save them.


Ljónynja - "I will not judge not based solely on a Kindred's Clan or Covenant brother."
Wodan - "And herein lies your greatest weakness sister. You have far too much faith in others."

Ljónynja - "You reek of fear. Lions are born knowing they are predators, antelopes understand they are the prey. Humans are one of the few creatures that are provided the choice. Do not be the prey, or you won’t walk out of that meeting with my brother. We can both smell prey, but he’s hungry."
Jorden - "How do you know he’s hungry?"
Ljónynja - "I’ve known him over 800 years. If he’s awake, he’s hungry."

Wodan - "I heard your curses while I slept, little Vala. You spit the words with such ferocity."
Vala - "Who... are you?"
Wodan - "Shh... not now little Vala. First attend to your murderers. Show them your ferocity. Teach them your pain. Hunt them. Drink your fill of them and revel in your power over them. Then, I will teach you the true meaning of the marks you wear, the curses you spit, and of the real Wilde Jagd."

Garmr - "I am... Unsure about this."
Wodan - "There's nothing to it."
Garmr - "I know, I know. I just don't know where to start."
Wodan - "We are not as horses, Garmr. We need not be broken in. Your gifts are a natural talent, bourne in you through my blood. You need only draw it out."
Garmr - "I am afraid"
Wodan - "Good. That is where it begins. Twist your fear and use it. Lash out with it, cloak yourself with it. Inspire, terrorise and destroy."
Garmr - "Inspire?"
Wodan - "As the hound inspires the rabbit, Garmr. To run."


Inspirations and Soundtrack


Bury me Face Down - Theme Song.
Dont Threaten me with a Good Time. - For anyone who would provoke him.
Vanity - For Ljónynja, and her opinion of herself.
My name is Human Wodan - For his ego.
How did we get so Dark? - For all his ancient memories, and mistakes.
Ten Tonne Skeleton - For when this God goes to war.
Little Monster - For Vala and Garmr, may they haunt these nights for all eternity.
Blood Hands - For all the neonates who join the Circe, lusting for power.
Emperor's new Clothes - For his rise, and fall from power.

Part of my ritual for getting into character includes plugging in some headphones and blasting these songs through my skull. if you like, you can do that by listening-in to my spotify playlist: Here, which has these and many more that I add all the time.


OOC Information

Member Information
Player: Luke
Number: AU2013030010
Domain: Canberra