Uncle Gadi

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Uncle Gadi Mirabooka
Concept: Wandering Storyteller
Clan: Gangrel
Covenant: Circle of the Crone
City: Brisbane --
Bloodline: Shhhhh!
Player: Daniel Jag
Storyteller: Brisbane VST
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Personal Information

This above all: to Thine Own Self Be True ... Monsters don’t choose to be monsters, or do they?

Gadi is a story teller and an enabler. He is there to seek out the stories of others and to share the collected stories. To do so he is an enabler, actively encouraging people to take risks, explore themselves, find out what sort of a monster they are, by assisting or enabling [usually bad] ideas. He spends most of his time cleaning up after neonates and hunts gone wrongs.

He also doubles as an excellent tracker, bloodhound, bodyguard, body removalist, physical/martial instructor and full time troll.


Uncle Gadi a solid man man built like the proverbial brick sh*thouse. He is a large smiling man in his late fifties with weatherbeaten leathery crisscrossed with scars from decades of working outdoors and punishment and self harm that he rarely speak about. His hair is greying and his beard has almost turned entirely white. His hardly clothing reflects his lifestyle, usually the faded shirt of a Park Ranger with Community Liason as a faded badge, along with heavy leggings and boots designed to keep out long thorns and venomous spiders. He usually wears an Akubra or a indigenous patterned headband to keep the sweat out of his eyes. When not at work he frequently is in a drizabone or when in his role as an indigenous traditional story teller he wears a cloak of stitched possum skins.


Uncle Gadi is about as subtle and as polite as a brick to the face. Always easy going he is hard to anger and usually very laid back and seems to exude an aura of geniality about him, at least at first impression. He also seems to consider everyone his distant cousins and is fairly protective of 'little cousins' all fledglings and neonates particularly gangrel and/or crone. Gadi is olfactory dominant, he loves to smell things and he usually takes his time to smell the area he is is. In addition he likes to hug people, a lot, this usually makes kindred very uncomfortable, it’s his way to getting to know people but also so that he can get the smell of the person and committed them to memory.

Gadi is an enabler, he enjoys helping people to grow to explore their monstrous side, and there is almost no plan too dangerous or stupid that he will not assist with.

Mortal World

As a civil activist in several land rights cases in the 1990's before dropping below the radar. Known in academic circles (Indigenous Studies Courses) and in indigenous circles as a cultural educator, indigenous storyteller, and artist who 'retired' from active public life in the 2000's. Reflected in professional training and contacts. Hunter/Tracker: Gadi is a well seasoned park ranger having worked in a number of areas across the country and is well versed with tracking down people/animals or remote travel and transport.

Information Known by Kindred Society

Uncle Gadi is one of the 'Bad Uncles' of the crone, specifically the one that will not stop you from making mistakes but will wholeheartedly support and enable mistakes so that people can grow and learn from them.

Terrible songs
1) The Sounds of Violence mostly about bootcamp run with Viktor Reynder [Sounds of Silence Simon & Garfunkle]
2) My Gangrel Girl dedicated to Nora Quinn to the tune of [My Brown Eyed Girl - Van Morrison]
3) The All Night Society' dedicated to the All Night Society Brisbane to the tune of [The Piano Man - Billy Joel]
4) My Trip to Brisbane dedicated to all visitors to Brisbane By Night to the tune of [My Generation - The Who]
5) Daeva Girl Dancing dedicated to Meredith Winchester-Roe to the tune of [Porn Star Dancing - My Darkest Days]
6) Barbie Boy Dedicated to Brandon Fitzchambers to the tune of [Barbie Girl - Aqua]
7) That Awkward Dance dedicated to Leon Ostrain Largward to the tune of "Bad Romance” by Lady Gaga, cover by Halestorm


Wanders around the country looking for local stories on horror or supernatural themes, and hunting down new stories about people places, what they have learnt, how they have changed. [Happy for ties in almost any place in the past decade or so.]

Recent History


March: April: May: Invited the Crone to a secret crones business where there was no phone signal. All the Carthians had a waaaaaaaa about being away from their phones. June: July: August: September:

October: Tracked down the kidnapped Aasira Tawfeek. Offered Luke Goodman the opportunity of permanent exile or death if he returned to court, threw Goodman into court who caused a large section of kindred to frenzy on Gadi. Went on a spirit hunt thing with Benjamin Rivers and saw the spirt world and decided it was time to leave. Helped hide a body from a hunt gone wrong.
November: Hunted down some rat spirits that had invested a farm in Laidely. Had visitors from T'Bar. At 'T'Bar court, send an immobilised and glitter impregnated Jasper Wolfe wrapped in bubble wrap to the court to add a bit of Razzle Dazzle to their lives.
December: Election time for Brisbane. Along with L3XX accidentally ashed the assistant of Governor Isabelle Murray and was captured by the Parliament and thrown into jail. Subsequently escaped from the prison with tales about terrible quasi scientific experiments being done on the inmates. Shit stirring Sophie White Roe made Uncle Gaspar frenzy and talked him back out of frenzy and after surviving a few hits and a bite from one frenzied Elder.


Quotes By

"Gaspar, Crone are friends NOT food!"

"Whose the flamning drongo that has stolen my ute .. again"

"..... You can dooooo eeeett!" -- usually to someone doing something foolhardy.

"Meredith, you are Food NOT friend"

"Allo there Missy Fitzzy.... what's got yer frilly knickers in a knot luv?" .. to Valerie Fitzchambers

"Sebastian how much for youse ghoul? ...Just asking in case I murder the shiela 'accidentally'"

"Allo there Trinity, youse till yanking that chain of yours..." (usually a prelude to an argument)

"This time maybe use the Dance Dance Revolution Carthian Fighting Style of yours to power up or whatever before hitting me" To L3XX

"Crikey, mate. You're far safer dealing with crocodiles, three headed dingoes and western diamondback rattlesnakes than the executives and all those sharks in court politics."

"Dingo him is a good spirit, there are stories about Dingo being a strong hunter who knows where to go for water, when to be ruthless and when to cut and run. It's a good form to choose. Eagle .... Soars high and close to the sun, is wise, perceptive and vicious. Also can't see for shit in the dark and stands out at night like a blue arsed fly. Stupid choice try another." to Warragul

Quotes About

"Gadi No.." .... many many people

"You're wearing Armour???" "Yes, I'm not stupid" ... Gadi after goading L3XX to punch him.

"Oh I know plenty who'd write him off because he's loud and crass, but they're fools. He's a good sort to have at your back, not to mention the best enabler of terrible ideas ever" - Meredith Winchester-Roe

"How can someone whose such a huge pain in the arse be such a talented singer?" - Celene

"Our learnings and truths are different, but in some places they're so close they could touch. Now if only he could slow his mouth down long enough for his brain to catch up sometimes, so we'd stop having so many shitty, pedantic arguments." - Vulture

"Trollin'" - Meredith Winchester-Roe, as a Christmas present

"I'm not sure what this guy is useful for. I heard he's good for a punch-up and maybe for singin' a tune but other than that? What else would you want him around for? Just seems to be looking for trouble, to me." - Valentina

"She might be a Ghoul but at least she knows how to dress herself. Fuck sakes Gadi seriously" Crystal while fixing Gadi's shirt collar in Perth recently. "And NO! Pants are not optional, though Im glad you're wearing shoes, unlike half your clan tonight"


Sophie enters the room and drapes herself around Gaspar.
Uncle Gadi - "Oh look Uncle Gaspar, youse accessory is here"
Gaspar Acosta Da Blanca - "RRAAAWWWWWWWWWAAAWWWW."
Several minutes of shouting later*
Gaspar Acosta Da Blanca - "Okay I'm calm now, no longer in frenzy..."
punches Gadi
Uncle Gadi - "Okay I probably deserved that..."
- Dec 2017.
Thoth: "That's a shame. The world has enough monsters already, and not enough heroes."
Uncle Gadi: "..... heroes are obsessive murderous delusional sociopaths so wraps up in their own ego, that all that rules them is their desire is to tag another trophy on their belt, mount another head on a wall..."
- Jan 2018
Gadi: "What are you Garry? Are you the man who pretends that he is still human? Or the monster that embraces the change from humanity?"
Thoth: "I am not human. But that does not put me apart from them... I am simply, something more. An addition to a whole, whether in numbers or decimals."
- Jan 2018
Uncle Gadi: "No need to be cryptic and wizardy."
Thoth: "Then you have, clearly, come to the wrong wizard."
- Jan 2018
Person 1 - "quote."
Person 2 - "quote."
Person 1 - "quote."
Person 2 - "quote."
- reference.


  • Hates owls and anything owl related.
  • Nora Quinn and Uncle Gadi are a thing
    • I reckon they’re just fuck buddies
      • Nah they’re totally dating
        • I really wouldn’t call anything they do even slightly romantic, it usually involves violence, break & entering and booze, not in any particular order.
          • Suddenly they both have need for well designed outfits...
  • Doesn't mind being distracted by a cute ass as much as he makes out

Inspirations and Soundtrack

  • This above all: to Thine Own Self Be True - Polonius [Hamlet]
  • Steve Irwin -Crocodile Hunter
  • Francis Firebrace - Storyteller
  • Feast (2005, dir. John Gulager)
  • Grendel - John Gardner’s retelling of Beowulf from the titular monster’s point of view. To grapple with the meaning of what it is to be a monster, the slippery definitions of good and evil, and even the nature of myth itself.
  • Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein (book not the movies) a monstrous being is brought into the world, as well as who is truly to blame for the creature’s actions once so created. Unlike his film portrayals, the monster is quite intelligent and articulate; he is frustrated by a world that vilifies and alienates him for a life he had no say in living.

OOC Information

Member Information
Player: Jag
Number: 2015010001
Domain: Brisbane