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Concept: Femme Fatale
Path: Thyrsus
Order: Guardians of the Veil
Consilium: Adelaide
Legacy [[:Category: CofD|]]
Cabal: [[]]
Player: Eva Cavallaro
Storyteller: Adelaide VST

[[Category:]] One look could kill My pain, your thrill


Personal Information

(OOC Note: This information is not common knowledge IC and is here purely for reference and tie-building purposes. Please confirm with myself or my VST if you feel your character would have knowledge about it)

Alysia was born to ambitious, wealthy parents and grew up in the leafy and prestigious neighbourhood of Victoria Avenue in Mitcham, South Australia. She attended Loreto College and when she was considered old enough would accompany her parents to the high society parties and dinners they frequented. Alysia enjoyed these outings and spent most of her allowance on expensive clothes, makeup and jewellery so that she always looked her best.

When Alysia Awakened in 2008 she was absolutely stunned to discover that her parents were, in fact, Mages, but she naively regarded the news with hope that they would be able to help her navigate and make sense of her new abilities. Alysia and her parents planned to take a small holiday after which they said her new-found abilities would make a lot more sense, but before they departed they attended one last ball to ‘celebrate’ and directed her to wear a jewel-encrusted red gown of their choosing. This ball was very different to any other event her parents had taken her to and Alysia listened in horror to the conversations that took place. She excused herself on the pretext of ‘needing some air’ and swiftly left the premises, eventually checking into the Stamford Plaza Hotel on North Terrace. Sleep did not come for her that night however and she spent the entire time laying in the bed staring at the ceiling and feeling very vulnerable and scared.

Alysia eventually took to prostitution to support herself as she was far too proud to return home, especially knowing what she now did about her family. With Life Magic at her disposal she seemed a natural at this profession and soon she was earning enough to be able to enjoy something resembling the lavish lifestyle she had grown up with. She came to the attention of the local Guardians of the Veil who put her through Initiation. Alysia finally passed her White Veil in 2009, but not before her mother managed to track her down and tried to convince her to return home. The outcome of that meeting has been a closely guarded secret, with only Alysia and one other knowing the truth of what happened, but Alysia has lived itinerantly since that night and hardly ever speaks of her family or her past, though she still wears that same gown for most Consilium gatherings.



A shimmering peacock's tail forms behind her, slowly growing until it matches her height and fanning and fluttering behind her. A soft trilling can be heard to fill the area.


Alysia can be very flirtatious and charming and sometimes refers to herself as being the 'nice' Guardian because she will often make a genuine effort to get along with most Mages of other Orders. However she can turn in an instant especially when Guardian works are compromised by those outside the Order.

  • Sex and flirting
  • Parties
  • Fancy clothes and jewellery
  • Seduction-based espionage
  • Spirits
  • Seers
  • Mood-swings
  • Regis
  • Academics


Information Known by Awakened Society


  • 2008 - Awakened in Adelaide, SA
  • 2009 - Initiated into the Guardians
  • 2010 - Moved interstate

Recent Events


  • JANUARY - Receives a number of blank business cards in the mail. Each one is suspiciously timed to coincide with rumours from Adelaide about prostitute's safehouses being bought out.
  • FEBRUARY - Alysia suspects that Seers are behind the mysterious mail she's been receiving and travels down to Adelaide hoping for answers. She's reunited with fellow Guardians Dantalion and Johnny Whisper and explains to them what has been happening before the rest of the Consilium turns up. She's mortified to learn that a local Mage calling himself Guy Incognito has not only found video footage of a Seer torturing someone but has given that footage to the police and seems completely oblivious to the recklessness of such an action. With help from a visiting Vampire 'friend' of Guy's, Alysia manages to track down her stalker and confronts him over the phone. Alysia, Johnny and Dantalion talk privately and come up with a plan to deal with the Seers.
  • MARCH - An emergency Consilium meeting is called by Regis after all the mages wake up to find their Mana completely drained. Together the mages trace the source of the problem to a shop in Gawler where Alysia and Regis distract the shop assistant while the others locate the device. Everyone heads to a so-called "no magic zone" where Hephaestus and Johnny manage to stop it. The backlash seriously injures a young Moros called Susan and Alysia steps in to help but many of the injuries are too severe for Alysia to successfully heal them. Later Alysia finds herself talking to a relatively new mage called Cheshyre and encourages him to consider applying to join the Guardians.
  • APRIL - Alysia is frustrated as her mission with the Seers seems to be yielding nothing more than unsolicited photographs of Seer Marcus O'Connell's genitalia. She's also worried about the possibility that the Seers might have a planted agent amongst the Consilium. She discusses these concerns with Johnny and Dantalion and suggests a way they might be able to figure out if any Consilium members have had up-close-and-personal dealings with the Seers. Johnny agrees to give Alysia his True Name to pass on to the Seers in the hope that this will further the mission.
  • MAY - During a Consilium gathering at Susan's gym, the Guardians steal away into a private room to discuss a few things. Johnny is attacked by the bookshelf and Alysia does her best to heal the injuries before racing downstairs to alert Regis to the attack. A worried Alysia watches on as Johnny is examined by Regis and Aon until she receives a text message from Marcus confirming that he was behind the attack. When Regis comes back to her to ask questions, she telepathically reminds him that she's in the middle of a mission with the Seers and she knows they're responsible for the attack. She begs Regis not to tell anyone what's going on and to try to encourage everyone to be on their guard just in case. A short time later while discussing Spirit matters with visiting werewolf Beth, Alysia panics when she sees Aon bringing an unconscious man whom she recognises as one of Marcus' minions into the room. She insists that the unconscious man be removed immediately and that everyone leave the building. When no one moves to do so Alysia grabs the body and urges Johnny to help her carry it out. She and Dantalion then head to Club 109 and Alysia approaches Faith, asking her to pass on a message to "a mutual friend". After they leave Dantalion informs her that he spotted Sugar in the club; Alysia urges him to call Johnny and tell him. Minutes later Alysia receives an electric shock from her phone and realises her undercover mission is probably blown. She's furious when Dantalion informs her that Aon has gone into the club and extracted Sugar. When Johnny receives a phone call asking for the Guardians to go to the Buddhist Temple to meet with Sugar, Regis, Aon and Hephaestus to "answer a few questions" both Alysia and Dantalion refuse and Dantalion orders Johnny to refuse as well, and the pair inform Johnny that Aon has been eavesdropping and has probably blown the mission and put them all at risk. Dantalion takes Alysia out for a few drinks to try to get her to relax but in the morning she is still fuming and warns the Adamantine Arrow and Hephaestus that there will be consequences for their reckless actions. Later in the month she attends a Gala at Marcus' invitation where she is finally officially introduced to the other Seers, including the notorious Kefka whom she is shocked to recognise, however while going through the 'pleasantries' with him he is pulled aside by Marcus who whispers something in his ear. Alysia watches, unable to move, as Kefka begins throwing magic around. Marcus orders Alysia to run as the Abyss begins pouring into the room and she does, bumping into Aon on the way out and pulling him with her. Alysia brings Aon to a safehouse in Kent Town and once she's done checking to make sure he's not injured she calls Dantalion for help. The three of them come up with a plan to hopefully preserve Alysia's cover as well as figure out if any of the Seers made it out alive. Alysia stresses that, for everyone's safety, Kefka's true identity needs to remain a closely-guarded secret until a plan can be formed to take him out.
  • JUNE - The Guardians having agreed that Alysia's presence at the Gala should not be known, Alysia formulates a story and arranges her memories to be altered to reflect what she will be saying if asked about that night. She offers the same to Aon but he assures her he is capable of protecting himself from Mind Magic and seems confident that he can pull of his own version of what happened. Alysia takes some time to bond with Sugar, taking her into the Shadow where Alysia does her best to fill Sugar in on some of the events of the past few months and share frustrations and concerns about the current state of relations between the Guardians and the Mysterium. Alysia also confides what she has discovered about Kefka's identity, urging Sugar to keep it secret but also petitioning her help keeping an eye on those Mages closest to him to make sure they're safe. Sugar agrees and the pair return to the gathering, bantering with each other and some of the others until Oz suddenly blurts out that Johnny has 'fucked things up for the Mysterium'. Alysia demands that he explain what he means but Oz refuses to answer and handballs to Hephaestus who claims Johnny has broken Gold Law but refuses to say anything more than that his supposed 'crimes' have been reported to the Hierarch. Barely able to control her anger, Alysia insists on a private meeting with Regis immediately and brings him into the Shadow before demanding to know what charges are being brought against her Order-mate. Regis shows her the list Hephaestus has given him and spends the following twenty minutes trying to calm her down and stop her from running after Hephaestus and attacking him right there and then. The pair teleport to meet the others who by now have gone to track down a supposed Atlantean Temple, however upon getting inside Alysia and Regis quickly realise it might actually be an Exarch's Demense, a theory that is confirmed after each member of the Consilium goes through a 'trial' and is later brought before the Exarch who commands and then magically forces everyone to kneel. Alysia defiantly quotes one of the Guardian's Exoteric Tenets at him, at the time giving little thought to the reprimand she will likely receive later. Alysia later finds herself disturbed that she managed to pass what was essentially a Seer Initiation ritual and after updating the rest of the Guardians on the events of the night she tells them she will be going off-grid for a bit to clear her head.


Quotes By

  • "Boys, can we stop the dick-measuring please?" - Alysia trying to break up a disagreement between fellow Guardian Johnny Whisper and Mysterium mage Hephaestus
  • "So it's perfectly fine for our rights under Gold Law to be violated but when we try to do our jobs we're the ones who get hauled up for it?" - A furious Alysia venting her frustrations at Hierarch Regis upon learning that Hephaestus is bringing a load of trumped-up charges against Johnny
  • "All thrones are false!" - Alysia defying an Exarch trying to force the Consilium to kneel before him.

Quotes About

"Quote" - reference


"Quote" - reference


  • She's one of Regis's 'guys'
    • But not in 'that' way; his wife would kill him!
  • Actually a planted Seer agent
  • Supposedly a Thyrsus but notice how she seems to be good at protecting her mind?
    • I heard she's actually a Mastigos but pretends not to know any Mind magic so no one will suspect

Inspirations and Soundtrack

OOC Information

Member Information
Player: [mailto: Eva Cavallaro]
Number: 2012060018
Domain: Adelaide