Southern Cross Forsaken CofD The Fallen

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Words for the Fallen

This is a resource collecting the various speeches and words said for fallen members of the Forster-Tuncurry Protectorate in the Southern Cross domain.
All of these words are considered In Character as they were delivered at various memorials and gatherings.
This is not an IC collection of the speeches, but a record for player purposes so they can all be collected on one space off the Discord server.

The Fallen

The Fallen

Character Deed Name Auspice Tribe Lodge Pack Player
Archie Grant Three-K-Down Irraka Blood Talons The People of the Jagdschloss Four Points Shaye McCarthy Atkinson
Elizabeth "Beth" Masters - Cahalith Hunters in Darkness - The Lyceum Claire Atwell
Mac "Screamer" Barrett Screams in the Dark Cahalith Blood Talons Lodge of the Screaming Moon Combustion Choir Brad Hardwicke
Sunny Faulkner Mountain Lake Not Public Storm Lords -- The Lyceum Katie Harwood
Ruka Washington Hewer-of-Limbs Ithaeur Bone Shadows - Judgement's Mercy Cameron Stewart
Bram Kelly - Cahalith - - - James Manning
Korra - - - - Jayde Cassells
Lena Faulkner Strikes-Like-Lightning Irraka Storm Lords - Blades Edge Bec P
Tabitha Kelly Web-Breaker Rahu Hunters in Darkness - Fortitude's Favour Claire Atwell

Words for the Fallen

These are presented in Chronological order.

Speeches for Beth- June 2018



"Alpha, but not mine. Not in time. Sorrow beyond tears, beyond rain. I sing your songs and carry them forever." -Thal


"I have known Beth for most of my life, but the first time I really knew her was the time after the Week of Broken Howls, and the death of her pack. She was mourning, listless, and wounded to the quick. I stayed with her for a while, to help her transition into the world after, and I guess, in a way, she never let me leave. When Charles and I joined her to reform the Lyceum, it was like coming home. She made space in her home and her heart for those she had taught, and we can all learn to do the same. So now, it seems we are in the same place- mourning, listless, and wounded to the quick, but we will perservere with her lessons in our hearts."
"For this alone on Death I wreak
The wrath that garners in my heart;
He put our lives so far apart
We cannot hear each other speak."<br)
- Sunny


"She taught me everything to be the person and the wolf that I am today, but it feels like there is so much more I could have learnt from her. I hope with me dedicating to following in her footsteps as a mentor, a Cahalith, a caregiver, a wolf apart of her legacy, The Lyceum and now striving to become a Mennina as I want to inspire in wolves of the next generation like how she did for me."
-Rei Washington


"When I was a troublesome thirteen year old filled with angst and anger at the world, Beth was the one who took the time to divert my energy into something healthy and productive. She kept me from being expelled more times than I can count. She got me, got my rage and knew what it would lead to, and did what she could to help that process be easier than it might otherwise have been. When I refused to listen to my parents, she was one who could draw me out of my dark little corner and got me thinking positively.
That's something that can't be repaid. But it can be an example."
-Lena Faulkner


"I went to prison 15 years ago, I had my first change, I didn't know the world had gone upsidedown.
Beth visited me, she showed me, she taught me, she was a mother to me in those moments, she was my teacher and she was someone who helped explain what being of the people meant. She was there to help me navigate the rage, to know what it meant. She counselled me through my grief, Sure we didn't talk much at the end but she was always there for me as she has been for so many young uratha. She filled the role of Raksha from the jungle book, ready to adopt so many to care and to raise them despite her own risk and loss.
I loved her, she was my friend, she was my teacher."
- Mac


"Rainsong was a mother to many, and a teacher to almost everyone I knew back when the Protectorate was first formed.
She was always feisty for her age. I never gave her enough credit for that part of her, always saying she was better as a teacher and as a storyteller than she was for being herself. She never shied away from challenge. Always met the mark and went beyond expectation. We weren't close, but I always respected her and honored her words. We live in a world of violence, times of peace are pages lost in her. Sing well, Rainsong. Your songs will carry on."
-Cayden Smith


"I met Beth thanks to Ben Rivers. We were Pack together in Brisbane. I will never forget her energy, and how she wished she could teach me so much more. Maybe I should have listened more to her. In later years she was a good friend, probably my best of friends for a while there. Many nights were spent under the stars with glasses of wine and conversations that lasted hours, and in her final days as someone who offered me some of the best advice I could have ever asked for. Goodnight Beth. I'll miss you."
-Ajax Faulkner

Speeches for Binbale- June 2018



"Just let my death mean something and get them"


"Not know you. Still howl for you. Not sure if it better that did or didn't know your story."
- Thal


"Bin Bael ina Thost was new here, but he put himself to the bit of our Protecorate more than even some of it's oldest members. When things needed doing, he was there, and they got done to all of his power. He knew how to cleave to tradition and how to break from it, and he was ready to offer his hand and his arm to help. We didn't even know him, and he gave his life for a Protectorate that hadn't finished recognising him. We owe him a debt that can only be repaid in justice. I'm sorry I didn't get to the fence in time, Binbale. Thinking of you"
-Sunny Faulkner


"You were so ready to mend the fences the rest of us should have already fixed. Thank you, for everything you were and did for us."
-Lena Faulkner


Brevity is the soul of wit
A saying perhaps too well-believed.
In life I thought him a foolish git
And yet in brevity, am left bereaved.
I'll make sure the story gets told right."
-Theo Farron


"You came to help us, hardly knowing us. Thank you, I wish we would have had more time."
-Bram Kelly


Didn't know him, but he had enthusiasm and vigor. He knew what he was talking about, and having that silenced forever is a loss we shouldn't take lightly."
-Cayden Smith


"Binbale was not with us here for long, but he gave us everything he had. His sacrifice will be told through the ages and his memory :will live on"
-Harley Faulkner

Speeches for Mac - June 2018


Speeches for Archie - June 2018


Speeches for Sunny -June 2018


Speeches for Mia- June 2018


Speeches for Ruka- February 2019


Speeches for Bram- May 2019


Speeches for Lena- August 2019


Speeches for Tabitha -October 2019


Speeches for Solomon- October 2019
